Geographia Polonica (2004) vol. 77, iss. 2

The importance of parallel studies on past and present day environmental change

Leszek Starkel

Geographia Polonica (2004) vol. 77, iss. 2, pp. 27-34 : wykr | Full text

The parallel study of past and present-day environmental changes helps in the betterunderstanding of the relations between processes, their effects, and the long-term trends to themas well as in the recognition of the relations between various temporal and spatial scales. Theauthor characterizes two means of deduction: from processes to effects and in the opposite direction.Especially valuable are studies on the last centuries, in which all groups of methods may beused simultaneously.

Keywords: parallel study on past and present, environmental changes, processes, long-term trends

Leszek Starkel [], Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences, Św. Jana 22, 31-018 Kraków, Poland