Geographia Polonica (1980) vol. 43
Geomorphological evidence of Holocene climatic changes in Northern Mongolia
Geographia Polonica (1980) vol. 43, pp. 101-111 | Full text
Changes of climate which occurred in Central Asia during the Upper Quaternary, and the resultant geomorphological and sedimentological effects are only briefly mentioned in publications (Murzayeva et al., 1971; Ravskiy 1972; Gravis and Lisun 1974; Murzayeva et al. 1973). In the detailed consideration of events in both their regional distribution and their chronological order (paleo-geographical aspect) many unresolved questions still remain. One of the problems is that of the changes of Holocene climate.This paper provides a paleoclimatic interpretation of the results of both geomorphological and sedimentological research made in Northern Mongolia during three summers, 1976-1978. The areas of study were in the major valleys of the Selenga-Orkhon mountains of intermediate height.
, University of Silesia , Earth Sciences Faculty, ul Będzińska 60, 41-200 Sosnowiec, Poland