Geographia Polonica (1977) vol. 37
Foundations of the model of spatial system of towns
Geographia Polonica (1977) vol. 37, pp. 101-108 | Full text
This study is to present the foundations of a model of the spatial system of towns. In order to accomplish this task, the model and the systems methodol-ogies are integrated. In the model methodology, reality is idealized so as to iden-tify the factors and relations that are significant and to cut out those of second-ary importance. In following such a research procedure, which by way of ab-straction, eliminates subsidiary effects on the studied object, and thus makes cenain research assumptions, we are led to the construction of a model. The resulting models are idealized and hence abstract representations of reality formulated as sets of modelling assumptions. The objects thus characterized — spaiial systems devoid of certain real features — are called ideal types or ab-stract phenomena.
, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan