Geographia Polonica (2010) vol. 83, iss. 2
Geographia Polonica (2010) vol. 83, iss. 2, pp. 5-22 | Full text
The Balkan region, which is extremely heterogeneous from ethnical, religious andcultural aspects, is characterized by serious differences of economic development as well. TheMuslim inhabitants in the Balkan region are living in 10 countries, in which their spatial concentrationshows significant differences. The growth of the number of Muslims and the transgressionof their settlement area was going on from the 15th until the 19th century. The analysisof the ethnical and economic development pattern of the Balkan region can raise the question,whether there is a connection between the spatial allocation of the Muslims and the spatialpattern of economic development.
Keywords: Muslims, Balkan, regional disparities, inequalities in development
, Institute of Geography, Ruprecht Karls University, Berliner Strasse 48, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany
Geographia Polonica (2010) vol. 83, iss. 2, pp. 23-36 | Full text
This paper presents the funeral ceremony as one of the factors helping to preservenetworks and relationships among families in the countryside. The development of family relationshipsin the countryside is discussed on the basis of an analysis of attendance at funeralceremonies in model areas of the Czech countryside. The precise forms assumed by funeralceremonies (church funeral vs. civil funeral, funeral without ceremony, attendance, associatedtraditions) differ in relation to culture on the state, regional and local levels as well. The differentiationto forms of funeral ceremony and burial processes depends on a number of factors,of which the main ones are religiosity rate and community size at regional level and traditionat local level. In the Czech regions, mainly in the countryside, the extraordinary attendanceat funeral ceremonies is typical. Attendance at a funeral ceremony via a representative of thefamily is considered a social duty. This tradition of family get-togethers for funeral ceremonieshas been maintained from generation to generation. Through it families that may now bescattered are able to keep together the network of relationships of inhabitants in countryside.
Keywords: network, family, burial, necrogeography, countryside, Czechia
, Department of Social Geography and Regional Development, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague, Albertov 6, CZ-12843 Prague, Czechia
Morphological intensification in a postsocialist city—a Banská Bystrica case study
Geographia Polonica (2010) vol. 83, iss. 2, pp. 37-53 | Full text
Morphological intensification is a distinct feature of the transition from the relaxed andsprawl-based growth of a city towards growth within, with a special emphasis on the use of variousspatial reserves. The work described here entailed an analysis of selected aspects of the abovephenomenon as exemplified by the city of Banská Bystrica in central Slovakia. In particular, itfocuses on the origin, development and present state of 306 areas within the overall built-up zonethat had not been put to urban use, on the nature of, and spatial variability to, the morphologicalintensification process, and on the potential for intensification of three city zones (delimited bydifferent historical and socio-economic development), i.e. the main growth zone, the annexedsettlements zone and the extensive growth zone.
Keywords: morphological intensification, spatial reserves, extensive growth zone, annexed settlements zone, main growth zone, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia
, National Forest Centre, Forest Research Institute, T.G.Masaryka 22, Zvolen, 969 92, Slovak Republic
The Hotspot—a new technology, but is it also a new, geographical face of the Internet?
Geographia Polonica (2010) vol. 83, iss. 2, pp. 55-65 | Full text
While an analysis of hotspots might identify aspects that are spatial, technical or sociological,this study disregards the last two (non-geographical) areas of research, in order to concentrateon the spatial distribution of hotspots, albeit on reference levels that are global or elselocal (related to Poland). In fact, however, analysis of spatial aspects to the location and functioningof hotspots encountered a significant obstacle in regard to the accessing of reliable andcomparable data. Beside attempts to assess free sources of data on the subject, the study focuseson the structure of types of place, as well as on the spatial diversity of locations where this typeof Internet access is concerned. Although hotspots do not need to be connected with the ”hardwire” Internet, like their prototype, they seem to copy socio-economic reality and diversities onall reference levels. Nevertheless, like the Internet at the beginning of its existence, they seem todisplay characteristic elements typical of their development.
Keywords: hotspot, Wi-Fi, Internet, world, Poland], Department of Spatial Management, Institute of Geography and Regional Development, Wrocław University, ul. Kuźnicza 49/55, 50–138 Wrocław, Poland
[], Institute of Geography and Regional Development University of Wrocław Kuźnicza 49/55, 50-138 Wrocław: Poland
Tourism development in the borderlands of Poland
Geographia Polonica (2010) vol. 83, iss. 2, pp. 67-81 | Full text
The essential objective of this study has been to analyse the role and significance of politicalboundaries in the functioning of tourism in near-border areas. It was important to makeapparent the influence of a boundary on the development of tourism structure (tourist trafficand tourist infrastructure) within near-border areas of Poland. An attempt was also made todemonstrate the manner in which changes in the functions of boundaries influence the developmentof tourism, as well as the extent to which a boundary may of itself represent a touristattraction.
Keywords: tourism, border, borderlands, Poland, European Union], Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences, Twarda 51/55, 00‑818 Warszawa, Poland
[Socio-economic responses to the environment and ecosystems services in regional development
Geographia Polonica (2010) vol. 83, iss. 2, pp. 83-95 | Full text
With environmental conditions coming to play an ever-greater role in regional development,this paper has sought to determine how multi-functionality of the environment relatesto the formation of regions’ development potential, by way of attractor gravity and increasedregional viscosity. The attendant analysis has addressed both the theoretical foundations forthe modelling of reality and of presentation of the potential for ecological-economic modelsto be used in the devising of development policies. The proposals made in consequence offera new perspective on the environment and the role it is playing in socio-economic development,particularly where responses to ecosystem services are concerned.
Keywords: environment, ecological-economic models, socio-economic development, ecosystem services], Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences, Twarda 51/55, 00‑818 Warszawa, Poland