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Late Middle Palaeolithic and Early Upper Palaeolithic in Poland in the light of new numerical dating [100.00% relevance]
Late Middle Palaeolithic and Early Upper Palaeolithic in Poland in the light of new … the first numerical dating of Middle and Upper Palaeolithic sites in Poland was applied at the … . 97, iss. 3 Late Middle Palaeolithic and Early Upper Palaeolithic in Poland in the light of new … iss. 3, pp. 295-325 | Middle Palaeolithic, Early Upper Palaeolithic, optoluminescence, radiocarbon … , Poland Late Middle Palaeolithic and Early Upper Palaeolithic in Poland in the light of new … Late Middle Palaeolithic and Early Upper Palaeolithic in Poland in the light of new numerical dating … the first numerical dating of Middle and Upper Palaeolithic sites in Poland was applied at the beginning of … Polonica (2024) vol. 97, iss. 3 Late Middle Palaeolithic and Early Upper Palaeolithic in Poland in the … (2024) vol. 97, iss. 3, pp. 295-325 | Middle Palaeolithic, Early Upper Palaeolithic, optoluminescence, … radiocarbon dating, Poland Late Middle Palaeolithic and Early Upper Palaeolithic in Poland in the
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