Results 1 - 6 of 6 for Polish Lowland (0.0570 seconds)
Heat- and cold-related mortality in the north-east of Poland as an example of the socio-economic effects of extreme hydrometeorological events in the Polish Lowland [100.00% relevance]
extreme hydrometeorological events in the Polish Lowland This article looks at certain socioeconomic … hydrometeorologicalphenomena in the Polish Lowland, e.g. fl oods, droughts, hurricanes, heat and … extreme hydrometeorological events in the Polish Lowland Magdalena Kuchcik, Marek Degórski Geographia … heat waves, cold waves, human mortality, Polish Lowland Heat- and cold-related mortality in the north- … extreme hydrometeorological events in the Polish Lowland, Magdalena Kuchcik, Marek Degórski, Geographia … of extreme hydrometeorological events in the Polish Lowland This article looks at certain … of extreme hydrometeorologicalphenomena in the Polish Lowland, e.g. fl oods, droughts, hurricanes, … of extreme hydrometeorological events in the Polish Lowland Magdalena Kuchcik, Marek Degórski … , heat waves, cold waves, human mortality, Polish Lowland Heat- and cold-related mortality in the … of extreme hydrometeorological events in the Polish Lowland, Magdalena Kuchcik, Marek
article/item/6173.html - 14.4 kB
On the elaboration of detailed physico-geographical maps: the case of the Polish Lowland [60.00% relevance]
-geographical maps: the case of the Polish Lowland Geographia Polonica (1977) vol. 34 On the … -geographical maps: the case of the Polish Lowland Rajmund Galon Geographia Polonica (1977) vol. 34 … -geographical maps: the case of the Polish Lowland, Rajmund Galon, Geographia Polonica (1977) vol. … physico-geographical maps: the case of the Polish Lowland Geographia Polonica (1977) vol. 34 On … physico-geographical maps: the case of the Polish Lowland Rajmund Galon Geographia Polonica (1977 … physico-geographical maps: the case of the Polish Lowland, Rajmund Galon, Geographia Polonica (
article/item/8484.html - 11.83 kB
The Glacial Relief of North Poland in the Light of Detailed Geomorphological Map of the Polish Lowland in 1 :50 000 Scale [60.00% relevance]
of Detailed Geomorphological Map of the Polish Lowland in 1 :50 000 Scale Geographia Polonica (1969) … of Detailed Geomorphological Map of the Polish Lowland in 1 :50 000 Scale Rajmund Galon Geographia … of Detailed Geomorphological Map of the Polish Lowland in 1 :50 000 Scale, Rajmund Galon, Geographia … Light of Detailed Geomorphological Map of the Polish Lowland in 1 :50 000 Scale Geographia Polonica ( … Light of Detailed Geomorphological Map of the Polish Lowland in 1 :50 000 Scale Rajmund Galon … Light of Detailed Geomorphological Map of the Polish Lowland in 1 :50 000 Scale, Rajmund Galon,
article/item/8759.html - 12 kB
The silting processes of the artificial water reservoirs in the Polish Lowland [60.00% relevance]
of the artificial water reservoirs in the Polish Lowland Geographia Polonica (1978) vol. 41 The silting … of the artificial water reservoirs in the Polish Lowland Kazimierz Więckowski Geographia Polonica (1978) … of the artificial water reservoirs in the Polish Lowland, Kazimierz Więckowski, Geographia Polonica (1978 … of the artificial water reservoirs in the Polish Lowland Geographia Polonica (1978) vol. 41 The … of the artificial water reservoirs in the Polish Lowland Kazimierz Więckowski Geographia Polonica … of the artificial water reservoirs in the Polish Lowland, Kazimierz Więckowski, Geographia
article/item/8337.html - 12.01 kB
Impact of climate change on water resources in lowland Poland [50.00% relevance]
Impact of climate change on water resources in lowland Poland In this study, climate change was … 1 Impact of climate change on water resources in lowland Poland Małgorzata Świątek, Szymon Walczakiewicz … . Thirty-seven catchments located entirely in lowland areas of Poland were selected for the analysis. … after a certain period of time. Keywords: Polish lowlands, specific discharge, air temperature, … precipitation totals, climate change Polish lowlands, specific discharge, air temperature,
article/item/14201.html - 14.87 kB
Geomorphological evolution of selected mouth sections of the Lower Vistula river tributaries in the Late Glacial and Holocene [20.00% relevance]
and Holocene Valleys of the rivers of the Polish Lowland have already been dealt with innumerous … and Holocene Valleys of the rivers of the Polish Lowland have already been dealt with innumerous
article/item/8129.html - 14.56 kB