Results 1 - 3 of 3 for Wisłok River (0.0142 seconds)
Stratigraphy of alluvial fills and phases of the Holocene floods in the lower Wisłok River valley, SE Poland [100.00% relevance]
of the Holocene floods in the lower Wisłok River valley, SE Poland Stratigraphy of alluvia and … of the Holocene floods in the lower Wisłok River valley, SE Poland Piotr Gębica Geographia … , alluvia, flood phases, Holocene, Wisłok River, SE Poland Stratigraphy of alluvial fills and … of the Holocene floods in the lower Wisłok River valley, SE Poland, Piotr Gębica, Geographia … and phases of the Holocene floods in the lower Wisłok River valley, SE Poland Stratigraphy of alluvia … and phases of the Holocene floods in the lower Wisłok River valley, SE Poland Piotr Gębica Geographia … stratigraphy, alluvia, flood phases, Holocene, Wisłok River, SE Poland Stratigraphy of alluvial fills … and phases of the Holocene floods in the lower Wisłok River valley, SE Poland, Piotr Gębica,
article/item/7632.html - 14.1 kB
Effect of a small dam reservoir on the water temperature in a Carpathian river [75.00% relevance]
evolution of water temperature changes in the Wisłok river (the upper Vistula basin)as an effect of … on the water temperature in a Carpathian river The article presents the evolution of water … temperature changes in the Wisłok river (the upper Vistula basin)as an effect of Besko … on the water temperature in a Carpathian river Łukasz Wiejaczka, Katarzyna Wesoły Geographia … pp. 481-491 | water temperature, dam, reservoir, river, Carpathians Effect of a small dam reservoir on … the water temperature in a Carpathian river, Łukasz Wiejaczka, Katarzyna Wesoły, Geographia
article/item/11106.html - 14.36 kB
Differentiation of temporal water level dynamics in the Besko and Klimkówka reservoirs (the Low Beskids, Poland) [37.50% relevance]
, the Polish Carpathians, the Ropa River, the Wisłok River, water level Differentiation of temporal … Low Beskids, the Polish Carpathians, the Ropa River, the Wisłok River, water level Differentiation
article/item/7603.html - 14.98 kB