Results 1 - 8 of 8 for depopulation (0.0015 seconds)
The spatial and nationality aspects of depopulation in the European part of the Russian Federation [100.00% relevance]
The spatial and nationality aspects of depopulation in the European part of the Russian Federation … of a statistical analysis of two components of depopulation, movement through migration and the natural … , iss. 1 The spatial and nationality aspects of depopulation in the European part of the Russian Federation … Polonica (2014) vol. 87, iss. 1, pp. 47-60 | depopulation, natural growth and decline, migration, … The spatial and nationality aspects of depopulation in the European part of the Russian Federation,
article/item/9409.html - 13.83 kB
Rural depopulation areas in Poland [80.00% relevance]
Rural depopulation areas in Poland The depopulation of rural areas, its speed and scale as a … , … Geographia Polonica (1988) vol. 54 Rural depopulation areas in Poland Andrzej Gawryszewski, Alina … Polonica (1988) vol. 54, pp. 81-100 | Rural depopulation areas in Poland, Andrzej Gawryszewski, Alina
article/item/8095.html - 18.4 kB
Revival of rural settlements in Kłodzko Land [60.00% relevance]
area of Kłodzko Land was subject to considerable depopulation processes which resulted in partial and total … 3, pp. 319-333 | rural areas, population change, depopulation, functional changes, Kłodzko Land Revival of
article/item/11048.html - 14.21 kB
Demographic processes in Poland in the years 1946-2016 and their consequences for local development: Current state and research perspectives [20.00% relevance]
processes, local development, urbanisation, depopulation, population ageing Demographic processes in
article/item/11409.html - 15.22 kB
Reviving villages – a proposal for a concept and identification. A methodological approach [20.00% relevance]
Polonica (2021) vol. 94, iss. 1, pp. 5-27 | depopulation, marginal/problem areas, rural revival, reviving
article/item/12894.html - 16.05 kB
Distribution and dynamics of rural population in Central E astern Europe in the 20th century [20.00% relevance]
, migrations towards urban areas, dynamics, depopulation of rural areas Distribution and dynamics of
article/item/7933.html - 13.78 kB
Population changes and population ageing in Poland between 1960 and 2011 [20.00% relevance]
. 89, iss. 2, pp. 259-265 | population ageing, depopulation, concentration, demographic typology Population
article/item/10514.html - 14.46 kB
Changes in the rural areas in Bulgaria:processes and prospects [20.00% relevance]
rural areas, economic and social transformation, depopulation, ageing, prospects for development, Bulgaria
article/item/7751.html - 13.57 kB