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The ontological and epistemological foundations of tourism geography: Chosen aspects of its empirical field of research [100.00% relevance]
of tourism geography: Chosen aspects of its empirical field of research The article addresses a … of tourism geography: Chosen aspects of its empirical field of research Leszek Butowski Geographia … , tourism geography, ontology, epistemology, empirical field, Searle’s social ontology The ontological … of tourism geography: Chosen aspects of its empirical field of research, Leszek Butowski, Geographia … geography: Chosen aspects of its empirical field of research The article addresses a noteworthy … geography: Chosen aspects of its empirical field of research Leszek Butowski Geographia Polonica … geography, ontology, epistemology, empirical field, Searle’s social ontology The ontological and … geography: Chosen aspects of its empirical field of research, Leszek Butowski, Geographia
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