Results 1 - 29 of 29 for evaluation (0.0069 seconds)
Land evaluation and the numerical delimitation of natural regions [100.00% relevance]
Land evaluation and the numerical delimitation of natural … regions Evaluation of land must necessarily be based upon an … … Geographia Polonica (1977) vol. 34 Land evaluation and the numerical delimitation of natural … Polonica (1977) vol. 34, pp. 11-30 | Land evaluation and the numerical delimitation of natural
article/item/8481.html - 14.66 kB
A model for bioclimatic evaluation and typology of health resorts and recreation areas. Concept of a method [100.00% relevance]
A model for bioclimatic evaluation and typology of health resorts and recreation … has perceived a clear need of objective evaluation and typologyof climates for specific purposes. … Polonica (1988) vol. 53 A model for bioclimatic evaluation and typology of health resorts and recreation … ) vol. 53, pp. 141-149 | A model for bioclimatic evaluation and typology of health resorts and recreation
article/item/8110.html - 13.87 kB
Ecological monitoring as a method of land evaluation [75.00% relevance]
Ecological monitoring as a method of land evaluation Geographia Polonica (1984) vol. 50 Ecological … monitoring as a method of land evaluation Alicja I. Breymeyer Geographia Polonica (1984) … -384 | Ecological monitoring as a method of land evaluation, Alicja I. Breymeyer, Geographia Polonica (1984
article/item/8206.html - 12.09 kB
The attempt to validate the applicability of two climate models for the evaluation of heat wave related mortality in Warsaw in the 21st century [75.00% relevance]
the applicability of two climate models for the evaluation of heat wave related mortality in Warsaw in the … the applicability of two climate models for the evaluation of heat wave related mortality in Warsaw in the … the applicability of two climate models for the evaluation of heat wave related mortality in Warsaw in the
article/item/9217.html - 13.96 kB
Evaluation of the water balance of an interconnected group of lakes [75.00% relevance]
attempt is … Geographia Polonica (1968) vol. 14 Evaluation of the water balance of an interconnected group … Polonica (1968) vol. 14, pp. 165-174 | Evaluation of the water balance of an interconnected group
article/item/8817.html - 12.44 kB
Applicability of numeric taxonomy methods in agricultural typology. Problems, criteria and methods of evaluation [75.00% relevance]
typology. Problems, criteria and methods of evaluation Geographia Polonica (1980) vol. 43 Applicability … typology. Problems, criteria and methods of evaluation Krystyna Bielecka, Mirosław Paprzycki, Zenon … typology. Problems, criteria and methods of evaluation, Krystyna Bielecka, Mirosław Paprzycki, Zenon
article/item/8307.html - 12.59 kB
Evaluation of accessibility changes in Poland using the MAI indicator [75.00% relevance]
Geographia Polonica (2017) vol. 90, iss. 3 Evaluation of accessibility changes in Poland using the MAI … Polonica (2017) vol. 90, iss. 3, pp. 361-368 | Evaluation of accessibility changes in Poland using the MAI
article/item/11054.html - 15.64 kB
The value of fix-time interval air temperature data in the evaluation of meso-climatic conditions [75.00% relevance]
of fix-time interval air temperature data in the evaluation of meso-climatic conditions Geographia Polonica … of fix-time interval air temperature data in the evaluation of meso-climatic conditions Mieczysław Hess, … of fix-time interval air temperature data in the evaluation of meso-climatic conditions, Mieczysław Hess,
article/item/8299.html - 12.53 kB
Evaluation of taxonomic methods from the point of view of comparability of results in space and time — in optimization aspect [75.00% relevance]
aspect Geographia Polonica (1979) vol. 40 Evaluation of taxonomic methods from the point of view of … Polonica (1979) vol. 40, pp. 187-190 | Evaluation of taxonomic methods from the point of view of
article/item/8357.html - 12.5 kB
Extreme Rainfalls and their Impact on Slopes—Evaluation Based on Soil Erosion Measurements (As Exemplified by the Suwałki Lakeland, Poland) [75.00% relevance]
Extreme Rainfalls and their Impact on Slopes—Evaluation Based on Soil Erosion Measurements (As … . 2 Extreme Rainfalls and their Impact on Slopes—Evaluation Based on Soil Erosion Measurements (As … Extreme Rainfalls and their Impact on Slopes—Evaluation Based on Soil Erosion Measurements (As
article/item/7696.html - 13.52 kB
A critical evaluation of the implementation of world policy on mitigation global climate change [75.00% relevance]
A critical evaluation of the implementation of world policy on … Polonica (1999) vol. 72, iss. 2 A critical evaluation of the implementation of world policy on … Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) A critical evaluation of the implementation of world policy on
article/item/7800.html - 13.63 kB
Climatological criteria for the evaluation of snow conditions for the purpose of recreation and winter sports, With south-eastern Poland as an example [75.00% relevance]
Climatological criteria for the evaluation of snow conditions for the purpose of recreation … 1976) vol. 33 1 Climatological criteria for the evaluation of snow conditions for the purpose of recreation … 1, pp. 121-134 | Climatological criteria for the evaluation of snow conditions for the purpose of recreation
article/item/8526.html - 13.34 kB
The evaluation of biothermal conditions for various forms of climatic therapy based on UTCI adjusted for activity [75.00% relevance]
The evaluation of biothermal conditions for various forms of … Geographia Polonica (2021) vol. 94, iss. 2 The evaluation of biothermal conditions for various forms of … production, climatic therapy, health resorts The evaluation of biothermal conditions for various forms of
article/item/12946.html - 14.48 kB
An evaluation of the resources of the natural environment for tourism and recreation [75.00% relevance]
An evaluation of the resources of the natural environment for … recreation Geographia Polonica (1977) vol. 34 An evaluation of the resources of the natural environment for … Polonica (1977) vol. 34, pp. 255-264 | An evaluation of the resources of the natural environment for
article/item/8498.html - 11.92 kB
Regionalization methods: a set-theoretical evaluation [75.00% relevance]
Regionalization methods: a set-theoretical evaluation Recent years have witnessed a growing interest … . 28 Regionalization methods: a set-theoretical evaluation Leszek Pernarowski Geographia Polonica (1974) … -86 | Regionalization methods: a set-theoretical evaluation, Leszek Pernarowski, Geographia Polonica (1974)
article/item/8607.html - 12.8 kB
Problems of landscape evaluation: A test of a conventional technique in the Obertauern area, Austrian Alps [75.00% relevance]
Problems of landscape evaluation: A test of a conventional technique in the … Polonica (1989) vol. 57 Problems of landscape evaluation: A test of a conventional technique in the … 1989) vol. 57, pp. 69-76 | Problems of landscape evaluation: A test of a conventional technique in the
article/item/8032.html - 11.92 kB
Tentative evaluation of the intensity of soil erosion as determined by natural conditions and type of land use. A case study of the valleys of the Drwęca and the lower Vistula [75.00% relevance]
Tentative evaluation of the intensity of soil erosion as determined … Geographia Polonica (1977) vol. 34 Tentative evaluation of the intensity of soil erosion as determined … Polonica (1977) vol. 34, pp. 175-194 | Tentative evaluation of the intensity of soil erosion as determined
article/item/8493.html - 12.35 kB
Some problems in the evaluation of the natural environment for the demands of tourism and recreation: A case study of the Bydgoszcz Region [75.00% relevance]
Some problems in the evaluation of the natural environment for the demands of … Polonica (1977) vol. 34 Some problems in the evaluation of the natural environment for the demands of … ) vol. 34, pp. 241-254 | Some problems in the evaluation of the natural environment for the demands of
article/item/8497.html - 12.26 kB
Empirical and computational assessment of the Urban Heat Island phenomenon and related mitigation measures [25.00% relevance]
urban heat island, mitigation measure, modeling, evaluation Empirical and computational assessment of the
article/item/9528.html - 14.99 kB
Drainage density as an index of the ratio of base flow to total runoff [25.00% relevance]
application of drainage density exclusivelyfor evaluation of the mean ratio of base flow to total runoff,
article/item/8130.html - 12.92 kB
Evaluating and interpreting the city using a photo projective method. The example of Łódź [25.00% relevance]
projective method, shared image, sense of place, evaluation, city, Łódź Evaluating and interpreting the city
article/item/8119.html - 14.18 kB
Carp culture - an indicator of climate fluctuations [25.00% relevance]
of climate fluctuations The paper attempts an evaluation of such climate fluctuations, as those of the
article/item/7775.html - 13.11 kB
The gravity model of spatial interaction: an appraisal [25.00% relevance]
: an appraisal This paper is concerned with the evaluation of the Gravity Model (GM concept), and its
article/item/8549.html - 16.25 kB
Physico-geographical mesoregions of Poland: Verification and adjustment of boundaries on the basis of contemporary spatial data [25.00% relevance]
The programme of identification, cataloguing and evaluation of Polish landscapes, part of the implementation
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Monitoring of changes in road potential accessibility at municipality level in Poland, 1995-2015 [25.00% relevance]
4, pp. 607-620 | potential accessibility, roads, evaluation, Poland Monitoring of changes in road potential
article/item/10323.html - 14.2 kB
Development patterns of Polish towns in the years 1950-1990 [25.00% relevance]
by size categories. They allowed a synthetic evaluation of the process of urbanisation based on a …
article/item/7890.html - 13.68 kB
Thermal Differentiation of Winters in the Carpathian Mountains Altitudinal Profile during the Period 1961/62-1990/91 [25.00% relevance]
the Period 1961/62-1990/91 The paper attempts an evaluation of winter thermal differentiation in the
article/item/7848.html - 14.19 kB
Ecosystem services – classification and different approaches at various levels of biosphere organisation - a literature review [25.00% relevance]
review In the literature on the subject, evaluation of ecosystem services (ES) is regarded as a one
article/item/7576.html - 14.36 kB
Analysis of results of glo-bal climate models for Central Europe and Poland [25.00% relevance]
Central Europe and Poland The paper presents an evaluation of climate simulations by the ocean and
article/item/7785.html - 13.4 kB