Results 1 - 5 of 5 for forecast (0.0016 seconds)
Forecasting of states of ecosystems in protected areas on the basis of a comprehensive digital vegetation map (as exemplified by Poland's Bory Tucholskie National Park) [100.00% relevance]
) This paper presents: (1) a method by which to forecast future states of ecosystems onthe basis of … , dynamic circles of substitute communities, forecast, vegetation dynamics, National Park, Poland
article/item/5351.html - 15.42 kB
Use of the UTCI in the Czech Republic [50.00% relevance]
, biometeorological indices, bioweather forecast Use of the UTCI in the Czech Republic, Martin
article/item/7725.html - 13.72 kB
Multiregional demographic projections: Polish experiences [50.00% relevance]
95-104 | multistate, multiregional, projection, forecast, Poland, demography, population Multiregional
article/item/7934.html - 13.82 kB
Possibile secondary mobilization of heavy metals from oottom sediments under conditions of anticipated climate change [50.00% relevance]
conditions of anticipated climate change The forecast climatic warming will cause hydrological changes
article/item/7836.html - 13.46 kB
UTCI as the NWP model ALADIN (CHMI) output – first experiences [50.00% relevance]
/discomfort, weather station, biometeorological forecast UTCI as the NWP model ALADIN (CHMI) output –
article/item/12950.html - 13.66 kB