Results 1 - 7 of 7 for global warming (0.0081 seconds)
Approaches to assessment of relief-forming processes under conditions of global warming (with reference to Northern Eurasia within the boundaries of the former USSR [100.00% relevance]
of relief-forming processes under conditions of global warming (with reference to Northern Eurasia … of relief-forming processes under conditions of global warming (with reference to Northern Eurasia … Issue Part 1, pp. 179-187 | palaeoclimates, global warming, ecosystems, prognosis, relief-forming … of relief-forming processes under conditions of global warming (with reference to Northern Eurasia … -forming processes under conditions of global warming (with reference to Northern Eurasia within the … -forming processes under conditions of global warming (with reference to Northern Eurasia within the … Part 1, pp. 179-187 | palaeoclimates, global warming, ecosystems, prognosis, relief-forming processes … -forming processes under conditions of global warming (with reference to Northern Eurasia within the
article/item/7640.html - 14.38 kB
Estimation of Evapotranspiration in Libya under the Impact of Plausible Global Climate Change [62.50% relevance]
Global Climate Change The effects of global warming on reference évapotranspiration are investigated … in Libya under the Impact of Plausible Global Climate Change The effects of global warming on … in Libya under the Impact of Plausible Global Climate Change Ali A. Almabruk Geographia … in Libya under the Impact of Plausible Global Climate Change, Ali A. Almabruk, Geographia
article/item/7843.html - 13.55 kB
Relationships between sunshine duration and air temperature in Poland [25.00% relevance]
(2022) vol. 95, iss. 3, pp. 275-290 | global warming, climate change, sunshine duration, air … Polonica (2022) vol. 95, iss. 3, pp. 275-290 | global warming, climate change, sunshine duration, air
article/item/13323.html - 16.83 kB
Permafrost Degradation and Slope Instability in the Italian Alps [25.00% relevance]
-28 | permafrost degradation, landslides, global warming, Italian Alps. Permafrost Degradation and Slope … pp. 19-28 | permafrost degradation, landslides, global warming, Italian Alps. Permafrost Degradation
article/item/7677.html - 13.27 kB
Understanding and assessments of some aspects of climate variation in Poland [25.00% relevance]
) vol. 67, pp. 39-58 | climatic change, global warming, climate forecasts, climatic cycles, atmospheric … (1996) vol. 67, pp. 39-58 | climatic change, global warming, climate forecasts, climatic cycles,
article/item/7865.html - 14.32 kB
The diagnosis of climate change in Cracow against a background of circulation and local conditions [25.00% relevance]
, monitoring, research of climatic changes, global warming The diagnosis of climate change in … monitoring, research of climatic changes, global warming The diagnosis of climate change in Cracow
article/item/7931.html - 13.44 kB
Do climate changes increase the threat to crops by pathogens, weeds and pests? [25.00% relevance]
) vol. 72, iss. 2, pp. 99-110 | Climate change, global warming, plant protection, greenhouse effect, … 72, iss. 2, pp. 99-110 | Climate change, global warming, plant protection, greenhouse effect, pests,
article/item/7805.html - 13.39 kB