Results 1 - 5 of 5 for heat stress (0.0027 seconds)
Long-term analysis of thermal comfort conditions during heat waves in Ukraine [100.00% relevance]
waves, human thermal comfort conditions, heat stress, physiologically equivalent temperature, Ukraine … analysis of thermal comfort conditions during heat waves in Ukraine The aim of this study is … assessment of thermal comfort conditions during heat waves in Ukraine in the years 1961-2015. The … analysis of thermal comfort conditions during heat waves in Ukraine Olga Shevchenko, Sergiy Snizhko … Polonica (2022) vol. 95, iss. 1, pp. 53-70 | heat waves, human thermal comfort conditions, heat … analysis of thermal comfort conditions during heat waves in Ukraine, Olga Shevchenko, Sergiy
article/item/13231.html - 17.07 kB
Recent trends on human thermal bioclimate conditions in Kyiv, Ukraine [71.43% relevance]
Kyiv (Ukraine) and changes in the frequency of heat stress during the summer period due to recent … , physiologically equivalent temperature, Kyiv, heat wave, heat stress Recent trends on human thermal … (Ukraine) and changes in the frequency of heat stress during the summer period due to recent climate … equivalent temperature, Kyiv, heat wave, heat stress Recent trends on human thermal bioclimate
article/item/12440.html - 14.98 kB
Universal Thermal Climate Index in Lesko and Lublin and its circulation determinants [57.14% relevance]
of the UTCI classes determined as ‘cold stress’ was … Geographia Polonica (2013) vol. 86, iss. … (2013) vol. 86, iss. 1, pp. 29-36 | UTCI, cold stress, heat stress, atmospheric circulation, zonal … vol. 86, iss. 1, pp. 29-36 | UTCI, cold stress, heat stress, atmospheric circulation, zonal
article/item/7726.html - 14.71 kB
Application of the UTCI to the local bioclimate of Poland’s Ziemia Kłodzka region [42.86% relevance]
Kłodzka, Poland, GIS, bioclimatic conditions, heat loads, heat stress Application of the UTCI to … , GIS, bioclimatic conditions, heat loads, heat stress Application of the UTCI to the local bioclimate
article/item/7728.html - 13.6 kB
The assessment of human bioclimate of Vranje health resort (Serbia) based on Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI) with the focus on extreme biothermal conditions [42.86% relevance]
| biothermal conditions, UTCI, very strong heat stress, very strong cold stress, Vranje The assessment … -222 | biothermal conditions, UTCI, very strong heat stress, very strong cold stress, Vranje The
article/item/12948.html - 16.21 kB