Results 1 - 4 of 4 for hydrology (0.0076 seconds)
Contribution of the Department of Geomorphology and Hydrology of Mountains and Uplands IGSO PAS in Kraków to the development of Polish Geomorphology (1953-2012) [100.00% relevance]
of the Department of Geomorphology and Hydrology of Mountains and Uplands IGSO PAS in Kraków to … (1953-2012) The Department of Geomorphology and Hydrology of Mountains and Uplands in Kraków was … of the Department of Geomorphology and Hydrology of Mountains and Uplands IGSO PAS in Kraków to … of the Department of Geomorphology and Hydrology of Mountains and Uplands IGSO PAS in Kraków to
article/item/10626.html - 14.78 kB
Limestone hydrology and its relevance to applied geography [75.00% relevance]
Limestone hydrology and its relevance to applied geography Studies … … Geographia Polonica (1977) vol. 34 Limestone hydrology and its relevance to applied geography David … Polonica (1977) vol. 34, pp. 119-132 | Limestone hydrology and its relevance to applied geography, David
article/item/8489.html - 12.81 kB
The spatial distribution of low flows in Poland not exceeded at an assumed probability [25.00% relevance]
Polonica (2010) vol. 83, iss. 1, pp. 39-50 | hydrology, Poland, fl ow, rivers, frequency distributions
article/item/7658.html - 13.28 kB
Poland's water resources in the face of climatic change (abstract) [25.00% relevance]
Geographia Polonica (1998) vol. 71, pp. 59-60 | hydrology, climate change, water resources Poland's water
article/item/7831.html - 12.12 kB