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The settlement patterns of Polish immigrants in Manchesterin the context of move from modern to postmodern understanding of place [100.00% relevance]
The settlement patterns of Polish immigrants in Manchesterin the context of move from modern … discusses the settlement patterns of Polish immigrants in Manchester as an exemplification of the … . 84, iss. 2 The settlement patterns of Polish immigrants in Manchesterin the context of move from modern … identity. The settlement patterns of Polish immigrants in Manchesterin the context of move from modern
article/item/7619.html - 13.25 kB
Immigrants from the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the early stages of European colonization of the Cape Colony [100.00% relevance]
… Geographia Polonica (2012) vol. 85, iss. 3 Immigrants from the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the … . 85, iss. 3, pp. 55-76 | historical migrations, immigrants, Dutch colonization, Polish‑Lithuanian … Commonwealth, South Africa, Cape Colony, Poles Immigrants from the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the
article/item/7562.html - 14.01 kB
Settlement patterns of the new Chinese immigrants in urban America [75.00% relevance]
Settlement patterns of the new Chinese immigrants in urban America The United States has been the … ) vol. 61 Settlement patterns of the new Chinese immigrants in urban America Wilawan Kanjanapan Geographia … Settlement patterns of the new Chinese immigrants in urban America, Wilawan Kanjanapan, Geographia
article/item/7973.html - 13.96 kB
The Chinese minority in Bucharest: A case study of Chinese children raised and cared for by Romanian nannies [25.00% relevance]
for by Romanian nannies Since 1990, many Chinese immigrants have come to Romania. These Chinese persons are
article/item/13150.html - 16.26 kB
Population contrasts in the London Docklands; new migrants and Council tenants in Wapping [25.00% relevance]
aspects of the characteristics of thenew immigrants based on a postal … Geographia Polonica (1993)
article/item/7967.html - 13.16 kB