Results 1 - 2 of 2 for intra-urban space (0.0073 seconds)
L'analyse intra-urbaine par carroyage [100.00% relevance]
(G.I.S.) for the study of intra-urban space, we deal with the problems relatedto their … S., grid-square system, spatial statistic, urban space L'analyse intra-urbaine par carroyage, Yves … InformationSystems (G.I.S.) for the study of intra-urban space, we deal with the problems relatedto their
article/item/7951.html - 12.76 kB
Formation of a new structure of the socio-spatial differentiations in the towns of Pomerania. The case of three medium-sized towns [66.67% relevance]
iss. 3, pp. 199-217 | socio-spatial structures, intra-urban space, medium-sized cities, Pomerania, Lębork, … 199-217 | socio-spatial structures, intra-urban space, medium-sized cities, Pomerania, Lębork,
article/item/8908.html - 13.82 kB