Results 1 - 57 of 57 for regions (0.0103 seconds)
Typologies of European urban - rural regions: a review and assessment [100.00% relevance]
Typologies of European urban - rural regions: a review and assessment The existing typologies … of rural-urban regions can be divided into three categories, based … 81, iss. 2 Typologies of European urban - rural regions: a review and assessment Piotr Korcelli, Ewa … (2008) vol. 81, iss. 2, pp. 25-42 | urban-rural regions, regional typologies, functional urban regions, … areas. Typologies of European urban - rural regions: a review and assessment, Piotr Korcelli, Ewa
article/item/6117.html - 14.51 kB
Typology of physical-geographical regions in Poland in line with land-cover structure and its changes in the years 1990-2006 [83.33% relevance]
Typology of physical-geographical regions in Poland in line with land-cover structure and … a division of Poland into physical-geographical regions to present diversity in terms of land cover, and … . 86, iss. 3 Typology of physical-geographical regions in Poland in line with land-cover structure and … changes, division into physical-geographical regions, regional divisions, Corine Land Cover, Poland … Typology of physical-geographical regions in Poland in line with land-cover structure and
article/item/8911.html - 14.17 kB
Delimitation and typology of functional urban regions in Poland based on commuting, 2006 [66.67% relevance]
Delimitation and typology of functional urban regions in Poland based on commuting, 2006 This study … presents the delimitation of functional urban regions in Poland modified using the Nyusten-Daceymethod … 2 Delimitation and typology of functional urban regions in Poland based on commuting, 2006 Przemysław … Delimitation and typology of functional urban regions in Poland based on commuting, 2006, Przemysław
article/item/9463.html - 13.59 kB
Socio-economic disparities in the Baltic States: Analytical comparison and categorisation of the Regions [66.67% relevance]
Analytical comparison and categorisation of the Regions Although the Baltic states, comprising Estonia, … Analytical comparison and categorisation of the Regions Martin Kebza, Aleš Nováček, Dagmar Popjaková … 92, iss. 3, pp. 289-307 | Baltic states, NUTS 3 regions, economic and social indicators, regional … Analytical comparison and categorisation of the Regions, Martin Kebza, Aleš Nováček, Dagmar Popjaková,
article/item/11806.html - 14.83 kB
Problem o fless developed Polish regions and their activation [66.67% relevance]
Problem o fless developed Polish regions and their activation The present article gives a … of the problems facing the less developed regions of Poland and their activation. The author also … (1967) vol. 11 Problem o fless developed Polish regions and their activation Bolesław Winiarski … , pp. 143-155 | Problem o fless developed Polish regions and their activation, Bolesław Winiarski,
article/item/8890.html - 12.58 kB
Thunderstorm seasons and regions in poland [66.67% relevance]
Thunderstorm seasons and regions in poland Taking into consideration the … (2004) vol. 77, iss. 1 Thunderstorm seasons and regions in poland Leszek Kolendowicz Geographia Polonica … , pp. 89-95 | thunderstorm seasons, thunderstorm regions Thunderstorm seasons and regions in poland,
article/item/7616.html - 13.02 kB
Economic resilience: The case of Poland and certain European regions [66.67% relevance]
: The case of Poland and certain European regions The study of economic resilience represents a … : The case of Poland and certain European regions Grzegorz Masik Geographia Polonica (2016) vol. … perspective, economic crisis, Poland, European regions, Pomorskie region Economic resilience: The case … of Poland and certain European regions, Grzegorz Masik, Geographia Polonica (2016) vol
article/item/10713.html - 13.87 kB
Population and environment in industrialized regions: some general policy recommendations [66.67% relevance]
Population and environment in industrialized regions: some general policy recommendations This paper … on Population and Environment in Industrialized Regions organized by IUSSP … Geographia Polonica (1995) … 64 Population and environment in industrialized regions: some general policy recommendations Catherine M … Population and environment in industrialized regions: some general policy recommendations, Catherine
article/item/7924.html - 13.83 kB
Land evaluation and the numerical delimitation of natural regions [50.00% relevance]
and the numerical delimitation of natural regions Evaluation of land must necessarily be based … and the numerical delimitation of natural regions V. Gardiner Geographia Polonica (1977) vol. 34, … and the numerical delimitation of natural regions, V. Gardiner, Geographia Polonica (1977) vol. 34
article/item/8481.html - 14.66 kB
The Economic Regions in the Federal Republic of Germany [50.00% relevance]
The Economic Regions in the Federal Republic of Germany Geographia … Polonica (1964) vol. 4 The Economic Regions in the Federal Republic of Germany Siegfried … (1964) vol. 4, pp. 117-122 | The Economic Regions in the Federal Republic of Germany, Siegfried
article/item/9017.html - 13.38 kB
Variability of Precipitation in Selected Regions of the Carpathians in the Years 1951-1995 [50.00% relevance]
Variability of Precipitation in Selected Regions of the Carpathians in the Years 1951-1995 The … vol. 70 Variability of Precipitation in Selected Regions of the Carpathians in the Years 1951-1995 … index Variability of Precipitation in Selected Regions of the Carpathians in the Years 1951-1995,
article/item/7846.html - 13.41 kB
New prosperity for marginal regions in Moravia [50.00% relevance]
New prosperity for marginal regions in Moravia Geographia Polonica (2007) vol. 76, … iss. 1 New prosperity for marginal regions in Moravia Antonin Vaishar, Eva Kallabova, Jana … . 1, pp. 165-176 | New prosperity for marginal regions in Moravia, Antonin Vaishar, Eva Kallabova, Jana
article/item/7755.html - 12.12 kB
Development of settlement systems in rural regions of the GDR [50.00% relevance]
Development of settlement systems in rural regions of the GDR Geographia Polonica (1981) vol. 44 … Development of settlement systems in rural regions of the GDR Alfred Von Kanel Geographia Polonica … 132 | Development of settlement systems in rural regions of the GDR, Alfred Von Kanel, Geographia
article/item/8284.html - 11.78 kB
Types of agricultural regions in West Siberia and North Kazakhstan [50.00% relevance]
Types of agricultural regions in West Siberia and North Kazakhstan Geographia … Polonica (1979) vol. 40 Types of agricultural regions in West Siberia and North Kazakhstan V. G. … 1979) vol. 40, pp. 67-74 | Types of agricultural regions in West Siberia and North Kazakhstan, V. G.
article/item/8348.html - 11.9 kB
Features of the formation of town networks in frontier regions [50.00% relevance]
of the formation of town networks in frontier regions Geographia Polonica (1973) vol. 27 Features of … the formation of town networks in frontier regions Lev N. Karpov, Kiril P. Kosmachev Geographia … of the formation of town networks in frontier regions, Lev N. Karpov, Kiril P. Kosmachev, Geographia
article/item/8628.html - 12 kB
Spatial structure of functional urban regions in Poland [50.00% relevance]
Spatial structure of functional urban regions in Poland Geographia Polonica (1985) vol. 51 … Spatial structure of functional urban regions in Poland Alina Potrykowska Geographia Polonica … 113-126 | Spatial structure of functional urban regions in Poland, Alina Potrykowska, Geographia
article/item/8162.html - 11.82 kB
The competitive position of border areas in relation to the Polish and German regions [50.00% relevance]
areas in relation to the Polish and German regions Borderlands are areas where competitiveness … areas in relation to the Polish and German regions Małgorzata Leśniak‑Johann, Andrzej Raczyk … areas in relation to the Polish and German regions, Małgorzata Leśniak‑Johann, Andrzej Raczyk,
article/item/7825.html - 14.62 kB
Urban systems in the Baltic Sea Region: metropolitan regions take the lead [50.00% relevance]
systems in the Baltic Sea Region: metropolitan regions take the lead Traditionally, apart from having … systems in the Baltic Sea Region: metropolitan regions take the lead Tomas Hanell, Bue Nielsen … systems in the Baltic Sea Region: metropolitan regions take the lead, Tomas Hanell, Bue Nielsen,
article/item/7763.html - 13.7 kB
Historical diversity of Poland's urban network. Cluster analysis versus historical regions [50.00% relevance]
network. Cluster analysis versus historical regions The article presents an analysis of the urban … network. Cluster analysis versus historical regions Iwona Jażdżewska Geographia Polonica (2013) vol … network. Cluster analysis versus historical regions, Iwona Jażdżewska, Geographia Polonica (2013)
article/item/8909.html - 13.41 kB
Regional Structure and Economic Regions of Poland [50.00% relevance]
Regional Structure and Economic Regions of Poland Geographia Polonica (1964) vol. 4 … Regional Structure and Economic Regions of Poland Kazimierz Dziewoński, Andrzej Wróbel … . 4, pp. 47-59 | Regional Structure and Economic Regions of Poland, Kazimierz Dziewoński, Andrzej Wróbel
article/item/9013.html - 12.16 kB
Map of economic regions of the world [50.00% relevance]
Map of economic regions of the world Geographia Polonica (1968) vol. 14 … Map of economic regions of the world Stanisław Leszczycki Geographia … (1968) vol. 14, pp. 231-240 | Map of economic regions of the world, Stanisław Leszczycki, Geographia
article/item/8825.html - 11.64 kB
The regions of Slovenia [50.00% relevance]
The regions of Slovenia Geographia Polonica (1977) vol. 36 … The regions of Slovenia Svetozar Ileśić Geographia Polonica … (1977) vol. 36, pp. 73-82 | The regions of Slovenia, Svetozar Ileśić, Geographia
article/item/8450.html - 11.54 kB
Landscape texture in anthropogenically transformed regions: The example of Upper Silesia and the Dąbrowa Coal Basin (southern Poland) [50.00% relevance]
texture in anthropogenically transformed regions: The example of Upper Silesia and the Dąbrowa … texture in anthropogenically transformed regions: The example of Upper Silesia and the Dąbrowa … texture in anthropogenically transformed regions: The example of Upper Silesia and the Dąbrowa
article/item/11609.html - 14.43 kB
A map of sequences of ’forest/non-forest states’ over the last 200 years in the borderland between Poland’s Masuria and Kurpie regions [50.00% relevance]
borderland between Poland’s Masuria and Kurpie regions Presented here are the means of generating and … borderland between Poland’s Masuria and Kurpie regions Jan Marek Matuszkiewicz, Jacek Wolski, Anna … borderland between Poland’s Masuria and Kurpie regions, Jan Marek Matuszkiewicz, Jacek Wolski, Anna
article/item/9353.html - 15.26 kB
City-hinterland regions of large cities and medium-sized towns in the GDR [50.00% relevance]
City-hinterland regions of large cities and medium-sized towns in the … Polonica (1981) vol. 44 City-hinterland regions of large cities and medium-sized towns in the … (1981) vol. 44, pp. 139-150 | City-hinterland regions of large cities and medium-sized towns in the
article/item/8286.html - 13.9 kB
Research in methods of delimitation of economic regions in areas of extensively-dispersed economy — A case study of northern Canada [50.00% relevance]
Research in methods of delimitation of economic regions in areas of extensively-dispersed economy — A … Research in methods of delimitation of economic regions in areas of extensively-dispersed economy — A … Research in methods of delimitation of economic regions in areas of extensively-dispersed economy — A
article/item/8965.html - 12.33 kB
A New map of economic zones and regions of Mexico 47 Julian G. Saushkin: Problems of the economic regionalization of the Soviet Union, 1960-1964 [50.00% relevance]
A New map of economic zones and regions of Mexico 47 Julian G. Saushkin: Problems of the … (1965) vol. 8 A New map of economic zones and regions of Mexico 47 Julian G. Saushkin: Problems of the … . 8, pp. 53-62 | A New map of economic zones and regions of Mexico 47 Julian G. Saushkin: Problems of the
article/item/8967.html - 12.28 kB
Comparing the development of border regions with the use of GIS (the case of Russia) [50.00% relevance]
Comparing the development of border regions with the use of GIS (the case of Russia) The … . 91, iss. 1 Comparing the development of border regions with the use of GIS (the case of Russia) … , Russia Comparing the development of border regions with the use of GIS (the case of Russia),
article/item/11203.html - 15.5 kB
Project report “Models of the long-term evolution of forest phytocoenoses regenerating in post-agricultural areas in varied soil and anthropogenic environments on the border between the Masuria and Kurpie regions, northeastern Poland” [50.00% relevance]
on the border between the Masuria and Kurpie regions, northeastern Poland” Geographia Polonica (2013 … on the border between the Masuria and Kurpie regions, northeastern Poland” Jan Marek Matuszkiewicz … on the border between the Masuria and Kurpie regions, northeastern Poland”, Jan Marek Matuszkiewicz,
article/item/9354.html - 12.92 kB
Donbas and Upper Silesia — a comparative analysis of the industrial regions [50.00% relevance]
— a comparative analysis of the industrial regions Geographia Polonica (1964) vol. 2 Donbas and … — a comparative analysis of the industrial regions Bronisław Kortus Geographia Polonica (1964) vol … — a comparative analysis of the industrial regions, Bronisław Kortus, Geographia Polonica (1964)
article/item/9071.html - 11.8 kB
The growth pole concept and the socio-economic development of regions undergoing industrialization [50.00% relevance]
concept and the socio-economic development of regions undergoing industrialization Geographia Polonica … concept and the socio-economic development of regions undergoing industrialization Maria Dobrowolska … concept and the socio-economic development of regions undergoing industrialization, Maria Dobrowolska
article/item/8508.html - 12.12 kB
A new method of determining climatic conditions in mountain regions [50.00% relevance]
of determining climatic conditions in mountain regions Geographia Polonica (1968) vol. 13 A new method … of determining climatic conditions in mountain regions Mieczysław Hess Geographia Polonica (1968) vol. … of determining climatic conditions in mountain regions, Mieczysław Hess, Geographia Polonica (1968) vol
article/item/8848.html - 11.74 kB
Territorial disparities between mountains and lowlands in Greece in the context of post-2020 Cohesion Policy [50.00% relevance]
of post-2020 Cohesion Policy While mountain regions face territorial disparities when set against … 2020 CohesionPolicy seeks to reduce such between regions by focusing on those that are … Geographia … -467 | inequalities, Cohesion Policy, mountain regions, demographic changes, education, employment,
article/item/12575.html - 15.43 kB
Storm regions in Poland [50.00% relevance]
Storm regions in Poland Geographia Polonica (1967) vol. 11 … Storm regions in Poland Maria Stopa-Boryczka Geographia … Polonica (1967) vol. 11, pp. 39-48 | Storm regions in Poland, Maria Stopa-Boryczka, Geographia
article/item/8882.html - 11.52 kB
Structural changes of the economic regions in Poland: A study by factor analysis of commodity flows [50.00% relevance]
Structural changes of the economic regions in Poland: A study by factor analysis of … 1973) vol. 25 Structural changes of the economic regions in Poland: A study by factor analysis of … , pp. 31-49 | Structural changes of the economic regions in Poland: A study by factor analysis of
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A Graph Theory Interpretation of Nodal Regions [50.00% relevance]
A Graph Theory Interpretation of Nodal Regions The purpose of this paper is to describe a … ) vol. 15 A Graph Theory Interpretation of Nodal Regions John D. Nystuen, Michael F. Dacey Geographia … 135-152 | A Graph Theory Interpretation of Nodal Regions, John D. Nystuen, Michael F. Dacey, Geographia
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A Study of Agricultural Regions in South Korea [50.00% relevance]
A Study of Agricultural Regions in South Korea Geographia Polonica (1970) vol. … 19 A Study of Agricultural Regions in South Korea Chung-myun Lee Geographia … ) vol. 19, pp. 147-170 | A Study of Agricultural Regions in South Korea, Chung-myun Lee, Geographia
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The Structure of Economic Regions in Poland Analyzed by Commodity Flows [50.00% relevance]
The Structure of Economic Regions in Poland Analyzed by Commodity Flows Geographia … Polonica (1964) vol. 1 The Structure of Economic Regions in Poland Analyzed by Commodity Flows Zbyszko … vol. 1, pp. 213-230 | The Structure of Economic Regions in Poland Analyzed by Commodity Flows, Zbyszko
article/item/9093.html - 11.7 kB
A study of the settlement structure of agglomeration regions in the GDR with special reference to the Halle-Leipzig agglomeration [50.00% relevance]
of the settlement structure of agglomeration regions in the GDR with special reference to the Halle- … of the settlement structure of agglomeration regions in the GDR with special reference to the Halle- … of the settlement structure of agglomeration regions in the GDR with special reference to the Halle-
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Inner Divisions Of The Czech Republic [33.33% relevance]
division, perception, mental maps, cultural regions, administrative regions, Czech Republic Inner
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Urban Growth and the Concept of Functional Region [33.33% relevance]
of goods and services provided for functional regions and is related to the size and population of the … functional regions … Geographia Polonica (1968) vol. 15 Urban
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Contemporary development of peripheral parts of the Czech-Polish borderland: Case study of the Javorník area [16.67% relevance]
: Case study of the Javorník area Peripheral regions on the state border are among the most
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Evolution of the hydrological regime in relation to climate change: Case of the Bouregreg River basin, Morocco [16.67% relevance]
watershed, and to identify the most vulnerable regions to climate change over a … Geographia Polonica (
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The potential of Polish forests to provide ecosystem services [16.67% relevance]
forest management, forest habitat types, forest regions, State Forests, nationwide scale, Poland The
article/item/13861.html - 16.98 kB
Spatial differentiation of Polish export linkages [16.67% relevance]
The study presents a brief review of Polish regions’ participation in the global economy in 2011
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From communism to a free-market economy: A reflection of socio-economic changes in land use structure in the vicinity of the city (Beskid Sądecki, Western Polish Carpathians) [16.67% relevance]
land is declining in many mountainous regions of the world, often because political and
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Physico-geographical mesoregions of Poland: Verification and adjustment of boundaries on the basis of contemporary spatial data [16.67% relevance]
| regionalisation, spatial units, boundaries of regions, Poland Physico-geographical mesoregions of
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Geographia Polonica (1995) vol. 64 [16.67% relevance]
on population and environment in industrialized regions, Warsaw and Cracow, Poland, 27-30 June 1994
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Assessment of relations between the normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI), frequency of forest fires, air temperature, sunshine, precipitation in Poland [16.67% relevance]
difference vegetation index (NDVI) in five regions in Poland. The NDVI … Geographia Polonica (2001
article/item/7772.html - 14.51 kB
Changing types of Austrian agriculture [16.67% relevance]
Austria in 1975 for 25 agricultural production regions, Landwirtschaftliche Produktionsgebiete (LPG) …
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Urban networking: trends and perspectives in the Baltic Sea Region [16.67% relevance]
within an urban region as well as between such regions. The networking paradigm, arising from shifts in
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The role of locality and place-specific development paths in creating smart cities: The example of middle-sized Hungarian cities [16.67% relevance]
and theories originating from major metropolis regions in the Global North/West, as well as by …
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Application of the potential model to the analysis of regional differences in Poland [16.67% relevance]
75, iss. 1, pp. 13-24 | regional structure, core regions and peripheral areas, potential ratio, Poland
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Historical heraldic symbols as a marker of reproducing and transforming regional identity: The case of Ukraine [16.67% relevance]
of the region, heraldic symbols, historical regions, administrative reform, Ukraine Historical
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Analysis of results of glo-bal climate models for Central Europe and Poland [16.67% relevance]
circulation models from the IPCC DDC for two regions: the Central European area and … Geographia
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Labour market reform and youth unemployment in Poland [16.67% relevance]
5-24 | Poland, youth, unemployment, convergence, regions Labour market reform and youth unemployment in
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The significance of regional technology policy for local innovation networks in Germany - case studies from Bavaria and North Rhine-Westphalia [16.67% relevance]
change and to the growth prospects of regions. According to this idea, … Geographia Polonica (
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