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A novel multiproxy approach to detect the impact of charcoal production on the natural environment in NW Poland – project concept and preliminary results [100.00% relevance]
multiproxy approach to detect the impact of charcoal production on the natural environment in NW … . In the past, forests were also exploited for charcoal production; however, the spatial … Geographia … multiproxy approach to detect the impact of charcoal production on the natural environment in NW … , iss. 3, pp. 205-225 | anthropopression, relict charcoal hearths, legacy effects, deforestation, LIDAR, … multiproxy approach to detect the impact of charcoal production on the natural environment in NW … pp. 205-225 | anthropopression, relict charcoal hearths, legacy effects, deforestation, LIDAR, … vol. 95, iss. 3, pp. 205-225 | anthropopression, relict charcoal hearths, legacy effects, deforestation
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