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Towards a more operational from of the idea of sustainable development [100.00% relevance]
more operational from of the idea of sustainable development The author starts from the assumption that the … idea of sustainable development will remain merely an attractive slogan of … more operational from of the idea of sustainable development Ryszard Domański Geographia Polonica (1996) vol … 121-139 | operational definition of sustainable development, pro-ecological transformation of economic … system, theory of economic development, theory of synergetics, ecological-economic … more operational from of the idea of sustainable development, Ryszard Domański, Geographia Polonica (1996) … development, pro-ecological transformation of economic system, theory of economic development, theory … of synergetics, ecological-economic information Towards a more operational from of … Towards a more operational from of the idea of sustainable development The author starts from … the assumption that the idea of sustainable development will remain merely an … attractive slogan of limited
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