Zygmunt Górka


Cracow's spatial structure and environmental quality

Zygmunt Górka, Andrzej Zborowski

Geographia Polonica (1995) vol. 64, pp. 49-60 | Full text

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Since its founding in 1257, Cracow has developed in an evolutionary way. Post-war development has been dominated by the steel works and the associated Nowa Huta district which was included into the city in 1951. The industrial function has dominated all others with all the positive and negative consequences that might be expected. Over time, the negative factors have come to prevail over the positive ones contributing to unbalanced urban development. The impact of industrial activities has overwhelmed city infrastructure, as well as causing serious environmental degradation.

Keywords: Spatial pattern, social changes, environmental quality, Cracow

Zygmunt Górka, Institute of Geography, Jagellonian University, Grodzka 64, 31-044 Krakow, Poland
Andrzej Zborowski, Institute of Geography, Jagellonian University, Grodzka 64, 31-044 Krakow, Poland