J.g.p. Ter Welle-Heethuis
Urban renewal in Rotterdam and Amsterdam: Population consequences
Geographia Polonica (1993) vol. 61, pp. 405-420 | Full text
The central issue is: What are the effects of urban renewal activities onpopulation developments in neighbourhoods in Rotterdam and Amsterdam. Twodifferent groups of census tracts with a similar population development weredetected. They differ mostly with regard to the growth in the proportion of foreigners.Differences in population development between these groups for Rotterdam andAmsterdam mainly seemed to be related to the initial housing stock and initialhousehold composition. For Amsterdam the initial age structure was important aswell. Variables related to urban renewal activities, like the changing ratio of socialhousing and new dwellings, were more important for Rotterdam.
Keywords: urban renewal, activities, urban policy, population development, neighbourhood development
, Institute of Geographical Research, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands