Anders Liljestrand


A stratigraphie section of the Kattegat between Làsô, Denmark and Billdal, South—West Sweden

Benneth Dennegârd, Anders Liljestrand

Geographia Polonica (1988) vol. 55, pp. 63-68 | Full text

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A stratigraphie section of the Kattegat, from Lâsô, Denmark to Billdal, SW Sweden, has been investigated, using hydroacoustic techniques complemented with bottomsampling. A transition occurs, from a predominating Precambrian bedrock surface in the east to Mesozoic strata in the west. The Djupa Rànnan channel separates these two bedrock provinces. Glacigenic deposition, also the late Weichselian and Holocene sediments, has been influenced by the various bedrock configurations. Gas is widespread in the Holocene sediments, rich in organic content.

Benneth Dennegârd, Department of Marine Geology, Box 7064, S-402 32 Göteborg and Department of Geology, University of Göteborg and Chalmers University of Technology, S—412 96 Göteborg, Sweden
Anders Liljestrand, Marine Survey AB , Box 4082, S-^21 04 Västra Frölunda, Sweden