Tsesemin Sugar


Research problems of the First Mongolian-Polish Physical Geographical Expedition to the Khangay Mts. in 1974

Kazimierz Klimek, Radnarin Lomborintchen, Leszek Starkel, Tsesemin Sugar

Geographia Polonica (1976) vol. 33 1, pp. 107-120 | Full text

Further information

Kazimierz Klimek, University of Silesia , Earth Sciences Faculty, ul Będzińska 60, 41-200 Sosnowiec, Poland
Radnarin Lomborintchen, Institute of Geography and Geocryology Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Ulan Bator
Leszek Starkel [starkel@zg.pan.krakow.pl], Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences, Św. Jana 22, 31-018 Kraków, Poland
Tsesemin Sugar, Institute of Geography and Geocryology Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Ulan Bator