O. Stehlik
Study of the development of the Carpathians' relief in Moravia
Geographia Polonica (1966) vol. 9, pp. 35-52 | Full text
The Alpine-Carpathian mountain system enters into the territory of Moravia by the mountain system of the Western Carpathians, i.e. by the zone of the outer Carpathians' depressions, by the zone of the outer Car-pathians and by the inner Carpathian depression of the Dolnomoravsky uval (depression). The depressions of the outer Carpathians form a stripe of a lowland up to hilly relief on few resistant Neogene and Quaternary deposits in front of the outer Carpathians.
The relief of the outer Carpathians is predominantly an erosion-denu-dation one, modelled in a folded flysch series of strata of the compacted marine deposits of Paleogene and Cretaceous age. In the south the Dolno-moravsky uval with the flat relief on Neogene and Quaternary deposits penetrate into the mountain ranges of the outer Carpathians.
, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geography, Brno
, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences