Jerzy Szwagrzyk


Structure of the forest ecotone in the Babia Góra Massif, Western Carpathians

Jerzy Szwagrzyk

Geographia Polonica (2015) vol. 88, iss. 2, pp. 103-113 | Full text

Further information


The structure of forest stands and tree architecture at the forest ecotone were analysed at the Alpine timberline zone of the Babia Góra massif of the Western Carpathians. Tree stand and tree characteristics displayed large differences in various locations. On the north slope of the massif, trees at the timberline grow relatively tall and slender, and have narrow crowns. Trees at the timberline on the south-west facing slopes of the massif, at higher elevations, are shorter, with lower slenderness indices and relatively broader crowns. These results suggest, that different environmental factors play major roles in shaping the structure of the timberline in various elevations and various exposures.

Keywords: Alpine timberline, subalpine spruce forests, tree architecture

Jerzy Szwagrzyk, Institute of Forest Ecology and Silviculture University of Agriculture in Krakow Al. 29 listopada 46, 31-425 Krakow: Poland

The timberline as result of the interactions among forest, abiotic environment and human activity in the Babia Góra Mt., Western Carpathians

Ryszard J. Kaczka, Barbara Czajka, Adam Łajczak, Jerzy Szwagrzyk, Paweł Nicia

Geographia Polonica (2015) vol. 88, iss. 2, pp. 177-191 | Full text

Further information


The character and main natural and anthropogenic factors driving the timberline on the Babia Góra Mt. was discussed. The model of Holtmeier (2009) was modified to describe the functioning of the local timberline. Originating in a geological structure, the asymmetric shape of the ridge of the Babia Góra Mt. created consequences for most of the components of the environment of the timberline. This main stationary factor influence all the others including the differences of local climate, soil development and human activity. The long history of direct impact of land use, grazing and logging and recent indirect influences (air pollution and climate warming) control the present character of the timberline.

Keywords: timberline, Carpathians, the Babia Góra Mt., grazing, spatial and temporal dynamics of timberline

Ryszard J. Kaczka [], Faculty of Earth Sciences University of Silesia in Katowice Będzińska 60, 41 -200 Sosnowiec: Poland
Barbara Czajka, Faculty of Earth Sciences University of Silesia in Katowice Będzińska 60, 41 -200 Sosnowiec: Poland
Adam Łajczak [], Institute of Geography Pedagogical University of Krakow Podchorążych 2, 30 -084 Krakow: Poland
Jerzy Szwagrzyk, Institute of Forest Ecology and Silviculture University of Agriculture in Krakow Al. 29 listopada 46, 31-425 Krakow: Poland
Paweł Nicia, Department of Soil Science and Soil Protection University of Agriculture in Krakow Mickiewicza 21, 31 -120 Krakow: Poland