Jerzy J. Parysek
Development of Polish Towns and Cities and Factors Affecting This Process at the Turn of the Century
Geographia Polonica (2005) vol. 78, iss. 1, pp. 99-115 | Full text
The systemic transformation taking place in Poland after 1989 and the economic changes it has involved have been most readily visible in towns and cities and their development patterns. The quantitative growth whose basic characteristic was an increase in the urban popu-lation has in recent years been replaced by a qualitative process marked by the development of the material sphere of towns while their populations keep steady or are on the decline. Although the systemic transformation is thought to be the basic factor of qualitative development, other growth factors are also distinguished, both traditional ones, albeit operating in new conditions, and completely novel ones. In the present article these are generalized and classified as endog-enous (the systemic transformation, demographic and social changes, local factors and limita-tions) and exogenous (changes of the postindustrial or postmodern period, globalization and metropolitanization, European integration).
Keywords: development of Polish towns and cities, quantitative and qualitative growth, urban growth factors], Institute of Socio-Economic Geography and Space Economy, Adam Mickiewicz University, Fredry 10, 61-701 Poznań, Poland
[Metropolises and the processes of metropolitanisation
Geographia Polonica (2002) vol. 75, iss. 1, pp. 25-41 | Full text
Metropolitanisation is one of the processes observed in the contempo-rary world that has an ever increasing influence on its economic and social development and that is an object of various types of scientific inquiry, including geographical. However, as this complex and multi-faceted process is perceived and interpreted in a variety of ways, it might be useful to resolve it more fully. The article therefore seeks to elucidate the terms metropolis and metropolitanisation in such a way that, by focusing on the functions and spatial structures characteristic of metropolises, the process of metro-politanisation is described in the context of urbanisation and globalisation. A classification of metropolises is also proposed and carried out, and European and Polish metropolises are described. In regard to Polish metropolises, which are still rather metropolises-to-be, attention is centred on the progress of metropolitanisation and prospects for the develop-ment of metropolitan functions within the next few years.
Keywords: metropolis, metropolitanisation processes, metropolitan functions, spatial-functional structures, globalisation, cities, global cities], Institute of Socio-Economic Geography and Space Economy, Adam Mickiewicz University, Fredry 10, 61-701 Poznań, Poland
[Environment and planning, or possible approaches to the environment in physical planning
Geographia Polonica (2001) vol. 74, iss. 1, pp. 21-28 | Full text
The natural environment and its place in physical planning can be approached in a variety of ways. In an extreme case, the environment can be treated as the subject matter of a plan; alternatively, it can be one of the elements constituting the subject of planning. It can be treated as material defining the spatial framework of development, or as its factor and limitation, etc. The way we approach the environment depends primarily on how we under-stand the nature-man relationship, and what model of the operation and development of nature we adopt. Two such models can be considered: (1) of the autonomous development of nature, and (2) of controlled nature-man interactions. In the latter, two types of interaction are involved: of the spatial integration or spatial separation of nature and man. These assumptions can underlie various approaches to the environment; their elucidation is the subject matter of the present paper.
Keywords: natural environment, physical planning, nature-man relationship], Institute of Socio-Economic Geography and Space Economy, Adam Mickiewicz University, Fredry 10, 61-701 Poznań, Poland
[], Institute of Socio-Economic Geography and Space Economy, Adam Mickiewicz University, Fredry 10, 61-701 Poznań, Poland
Development patterns of Polish towns in the years 1950-1990
Geographia Polonica (1995) vol. 66, pp. 87-110 | Full text
The article presents the results of studies of the development of Polish towns by size categories. They allowed a synthetic evaluation of the process of urbanisation based on a multivariate analysis of the growth dynamics of 60 largest towns and an analysis of the development trajectories of the particular size groups of towns.
Keywords: Postwar urbanisation in Poland, dynamics of town development, factors of urbanisation in Poland, negative outcomes of intensified urbanisation], Institute of Socio-Economic Geography and Space Economy, Adam Mickiewicz University, Fredry 10, 61-701 Poznań, Poland
[], Institute of Socio-Economic Geography and Spatial Management, Adam Mickiewicz University Dzięgielowa 27, 61-680 Poznań, Poland