Geographia Polonica (1974) vol. 28


The distribution and annual course of the albedo in Poland

Teresa Kozłowska-Szczęsna

Geographia Polonica (1974) vol. 28, pp. 5-18 | Full text

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The purpose of this work is to describe the areal distribution and the changes over time of the albedo in Poland. The reflection of solar radiation from a given sarface is defined by the so-called coefficient of reflection a and depends on the type of surface. The albedo is the integral of the coefficient of reflection integrated according to the wave length within the short wave band (0.3-3.0.JJ,). The altedo is usually expressed as a percentage ratio between the incoming and the reflected radiation. The size of the albedo is influenced by both general climati: factors and local factors. It is not surprising, therefore, that the value of the albedo of a particular surface given in the literature shows wide varia-tions. ?hus they must be taken as approximations, and when comparing or calculating these values one must only select those found under similar geo-graphical and climatic conditions.

Teresa Kozłowska-Szczęsna [], Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences, Twarda 51/55, 00‑818 Warszawa, Poland

Deglaciation in the Świętokrzyskie Mts

Cecylia Radłowska, Elżbieta Mycielska-Dowgiałło

Geographia Polonica (1974) vol. 28, pp. 19-48 | Full text

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Cecylia Radłowska, Technical University, Warsaw
Elżbieta Mycielska-Dowgiałło, Laboratory of Sedimentology, Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland

The classification of glacial tills. A factor analytical study

Peter Vincent

Geographia Polonica (1974) vol. 28, pp. 49-58 | Full text

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Peter Vincent, University of Lancaster, Lancaster, United Kingdom

The retreat of alluvial river banks in the Wisłoka Valley (South Poland)

Kazimierz Klimek

Geographia Polonica (1974) vol. 28, pp. 59-76 | Full text

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The banks of the rivers dissecting the northern slope of the Polish West Carpathians and its foreland are being eroded in many places. The young ox-bows found in both the narrow Carpathian valleys and in the broad valleys in the foreland are examples of bank migration. The relation between the struc-ture and size of these alluvial banks and their mode of retreat is still an un-solved problem.

The article presents the results of research on the mode and rate of retreat of the alluvial banks of the Wisłoka river. Repeated observations were made over the period 1970-1972 in a chosen sector of the valley.

Kazimierz Klimek, University of Silesia , Earth Sciences Faculty, ul Będzińska 60, 41-200 Sosnowiec, Poland

Regionalization methods: a set-theoretical evaluation

Leszek Pernarowski

Geographia Polonica (1974) vol. 28, pp. 77-86 | Full text

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Recent years have witnessed a growing interest in the problems of regional geography, especially in the methods employed in regionalization and classifi-cation of geographic space. Several methods of regionalization called qualita-tive (Grano 1953; Isachenko 1965; Mikhaylov 1967; Milkov 1967; Preobrazhen-skii 1966) or mathematical (Pernarowski 1968; Romer 1949) have been proposed. An analysis and evaluation of these methods seem to be indispensable.

As qualitative methods are known to employ mainly qualitative notions it is necessary to interpret them mathematically in terms of those mathematical disciplines which employ qualities too. The theory of sets is such a discipline. In this paper it is used for developing a method of dividing territories into definite areas and subsequently for comparing it to the previous qualitative and mathematical methods thus providing a final evaluation of them.

Leszek Pernarowski, Wroclaw University

An economic regionalization of Australia using the point collection method

Stanisław Otok

Geographia Polonica (1974) vol. 28, pp. 87-92 | Full text

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Stanisław Otok, Warsaw University

The anticipation of urban expansion

Christopher R. Bryant

Geographia Polonica (1974) vol. 28, pp. 93-116 | Full text

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Christopher R. Bryant, University of Waterloo, Canada

A model of the internal structure of the medium-sized Polish city

Andrzej Werwicki

Geographia Polonica (1974) vol. 28, pp. 117-126 | Full text

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Andrzej Werwicki, University of Łódź

The spatial influence of the Gdańsk Agglomeration

Jerzy Dębski

Geographia Polonica (1974) vol. 28, pp. 127-144 | Full text

Further information

Jerzy Dębski, Institut dc Géographie et d'Aménagement du Territoire, Académie Polonaise des Sciences, Varsovie