Results 1 - 48 of 48 for Carpathians (0.0064 seconds)
Topographical factors, meteorological variables and human factors in the control of the main snow avalanche events in the Făgăraş Massif (Southern Carpathians - Romanian Carpathians): Case studies [100.00% relevance]
avalanche events in the Făgăraş Massif (Southern Carpathians - Romanian Carpathians): Case studies Snow … process and natural hazard in the Southern Carpathians (Romanian Carpathians). The spatial distribution … avalanche events in the Făgăraş Massif (Southern Carpathians - Romanian Carpathians): Case studies Mircea … , avalanche accidents, Făgăraş massif, Romanian Carpathians Topographical factors, meteorological variables … avalanche events in the Făgăraş Massif (Southern Carpathians - Romanian Carpathians): Case studies, Mircea
article/item/10463.html - 15.19 kB
Study of the development of the Carpathians' relief in Moravia [55.56% relevance]
Study of the development of the Carpathians' relief in Moravia The Alpine-Carpathian … of Moravia by the mountain system of the Western Carpathians, i.e. by the zone of the outer Carpathians' … … (1966) vol. 9 Study of the development of the Carpathians' relief in Moravia Tadeáš Czudek, Jaromir Demek … . 9, pp. 35-52 | Study of the development of the Carpathians' relief in Moravia, Tadeáš Czudek, Jaromir Demek
article/item/8899.html - 13.06 kB
Variability of Precipitation in Selected Regions of the Carpathians in the Years 1951-1995 [55.56% relevance]
of Precipitation in Selected Regions of the Carpathians in the Years 1951-1995 The paper presents an … of recent trends for precipitation in the Carpathians on the basis of data for the period 1951-1995. … of Precipitation in Selected Regions of the Carpathians in the Years 1951-1995 Elżbieta Cebulak … Geographia Polonica (1997) vol. 70, pp. 65-76 | Carpathians, areal precipitation, trend, cyclonicity index … of Precipitation in Selected Regions of the Carpathians in the Years 1951-1995, Elżbieta Cebulak,
article/item/7846.html - 13.41 kB
Land-use changes and their impact on land degradation in the context of sustainable development of the Polish Western Carpathians during the transition to free-market economics (1986-2019) [55.56% relevance]
of sustainable development of the Polish Western Carpathians during the transition to free-market economics ( … cover in three catchments of the Polish Western Carpathians, using good practice guidance for estimating … of sustainable development of the Polish Western Carpathians during the transition to free-market economics ( … development, land degradation, land use, Polish Carpathians Land-use changes and their impact on land … of sustainable development of the Polish Western Carpathians during the transition to free-market economics (
article/item/13549.html - 14.55 kB
Surface water storage in the Orava – Nowy Targ Basin, Western Carpathians [55.56% relevance]
storage in the Orava – Nowy Targ Basin, Western Carpathians The Orava – Nowy Targ Basin is one of 31 basins … found in the Western Carpathians. While average in size (643 km2), it is the only … storage in the Orava – Nowy Targ Basin, Western Carpathians Adam Łajczak Geographia Polonica (2017) vol. 90 … – Nowy Targ Basin, Orava – Podhale Peatland, Carpathians Surface water storage in the Orava – Nowy Targ … Basin, Western Carpathians, Adam Łajczak, Geographia Polonica (2017) vol.
article/item/11100.html - 14.38 kB
Two different modes of the origin of Pleistocene pediments: an example from the Central Moravian Carpathians, Czech Republic [55.56% relevance]
pediments: an example from the Central Moravian Carpathians, Czech Republic The Pleistocene soft rock … pediments in the Central Moravian Carpathians developeddue to different geomorphic processes. … pediments: an example from the Central Moravian Carpathians, Czech Republic Tadeáš Czudek Geographia … , backwearing, downwearing, Central Moravian Carpathians, Czech Republic Two different modes of the … pediments: an example from the Central Moravian Carpathians, Czech Republic, Tadeáš Czudek, Geographia
article/item/7630.html - 14 kB
The timberline as result of the interactions among forest, abiotic environment and human activity in the Babia Góra Mt., Western Carpathians [44.44% relevance]
human activity in the Babia Góra Mt., Western Carpathians The character and main natural and anthropogenic … human activity in the Babia Góra Mt., Western Carpathians Ryszard J. Kaczka, Barbara Czajka, Adam Łajczak … 2015) vol. 88, iss. 2, pp. 177-191 | timberline, Carpathians, the Babia Góra Mt., grazing, spatial and … human activity in the Babia Góra Mt., Western Carpathians, Ryszard J. Kaczka, Barbara Czajka, Adam Łajczak
article/item/9982.html - 18.55 kB
Pasture landscape durability in the Beskid Mountains (Western Carpathians, Poland) [44.44% relevance]
durability in the Beskid Mountains (Western Carpathians, Poland) The agricultural abandonment and … taking place over the last few decades in the Carpathians has led to accelerated transformation of pasture … durability in the Beskid Mountains (Western Carpathians, Poland) Michał Sobala Geographia Polonica (2018 … durability in the Beskid Mountains (Western Carpathians, Poland), Michał Sobala, Geographia Polonica (
article/item/11336.html - 14.13 kB
Geographical characteristics of the timberline in the Carpathians [44.44% relevance]
characteristics of the timberline in the Carpathians The pattern of timberline distribution on … characteristics of the timberline in the Carpathians Barbara Czajka, Adam Łajczak, Ryszard J. Kaczka … , latitude influence, mass-elevation effect, the Carpathians Geographical characteristics of the timberline … in the Carpathians, Barbara Czajka, Adam Łajczak, Ryszard J. Kaczka
article/item/9973.html - 14.44 kB
The distribution of fog frequency in the carpathians [44.44% relevance]
The distribution of fog frequency in the carpathians Altitude is one of the predominant factors which … iss. 1 The distribution of fog frequency in the carpathians Marek Błaś, Mieczysław Sobik Geographia Polonica … , fog distribution, fog-annual variations, Carpathians, mountain climatology The distribution of fog … frequency in the carpathians, Marek Błaś, Mieczysław Sobik, Geographia
article/item/7615.html - 14.3 kB
Timberline in the Carpathians: An overview [44.44% relevance]
Timberline in the Carpathians: An overview In nature, division lines are … (2015) vol. 88, iss. 2 Timberline in the Carpathians: An overview Barbara Czajka, Adam Łajczak, … in the mountain environment, timberline, Carpathians Timberline in the Carpathians: An overview,
article/item/9972.html - 14.7 kB
Land use changes and their catchment-scale environmental impact in the Polish Western Carpathians during transition from centrally planned to free-market economics [44.44% relevance]
scale environmental impact in the Polish Western Carpathians during transition from centrally planned to free … scale environmental impact in the Polish Western Carpathians during transition from centrally planned to free … , socio-economic transformation, catchment, Carpathians Land use changes and their catchment-scale … environmental impact in the Polish Western Carpathians during transition from centrally planned to free
article/item/11335.html - 14.71 kB
Contemporary trends in the Białka River channel development in the Western Carpathians [44.44% relevance]
Białka River channel development in the Western Carpathians Białka is a typical river that has its origins … Białka River channel development in the Western Carpathians Elżbieta Gorczyca, Kazimierz Krzemień, Michał … , braided river, fluvial processes, the Western Carpathians Contemporary trends in the Białka River channel … development in the Western Carpathians, Elżbieta Gorczyca, Kazimierz Krzemień, Michał
article/item/7642.html - 14.82 kB
Causes and mechanisms of the disappearance of braided channel patterns (the example of the Białka River, Western Carpathians) [44.44% relevance]
(the example of the Białka River, Western Carpathians) The channels of multi-threaded (braided) rivers … (the example of the Białka River, Western Carpathians) Elżbieta Gorczyca, Kazimierz Krzemień, Michał … analysis, human impact, Białka River, Polish Carpathians Causes and mechanisms of the disappearance of … (the example of the Białka River, Western Carpathians), Elżbieta Gorczyca, Kazimierz Krzemień, Michał
article/item/13550.html - 16.95 kB
Present-day Retreat of Slopes Above the Upper Timberline in the Slovak Part of the Western Carpathians [44.44% relevance]
Timberline in the Slovak Part of the Western Carpathians This article focuses on the rate of present-day … Timberline in the Slovak Part of the Western Carpathians Rudolf Midriak Geographia Polonica (2008) vol. … , rate of slope retreat, Slovakia, Western Carpathians Present-day Retreat of Slopes Above the Upper … Timberline in the Slovak Part of the Western Carpathians, Rudolf Midriak, Geographia Polonica (2008) vol
article/item/7683.html - 13.72 kB
Structure of the forest ecotone in the Babia Góra Massif, Western Carpathians [44.44% relevance]
forest ecotone in the Babia Góra Massif, Western Carpathians The structure of forest stands and tree … zone of the Babia Góra massif of the Western Carpathians. Tree … Geographia Polonica (2015) vol. 88, iss … forest ecotone in the Babia Góra Massif, Western Carpathians Jerzy Szwagrzyk Geographia Polonica (2015) vol. … forest ecotone in the Babia Góra Massif, Western Carpathians, Jerzy Szwagrzyk, Geographia Polonica (2015) vol
article/item/9977.html - 13.28 kB
Cylowa Zerwa landslide – debris flow forms on Mount Babia Góra (1725) and their development over the last ca. 150 years, Western Carpathians [44.44% relevance]
development over the last ca. 150 years, Western Carpathians Cylowa Zerwa landslide – debris flow located on … development over the last ca. 150 years, Western Carpathians Adam Łajczak, Włodzimierz Margielewski, Tomasz … . 1, pp. 79-101 | Mt. Babia Góra, Western Flysch Carpathians, homoclinal ridge, structural relief, landslide … development over the last ca. 150 years, Western Carpathians, Adam Łajczak, Włodzimierz Margielewski, Tomasz
article/item/13547.html - 18.18 kB
Views of the Gecmoiphological Development of the Polish Western Carpathians during the Quaternary [44.44% relevance]
Development of the Polish Western Carpathians during the Quaternary Studies of Quaternary land … and processes met with in the Po-lish Western Carpathians started from observations made by St. Staszic [ … Development of the Polish Western Carpathians during the Quaternary Mieczysław Klimaszewski … Development of the Polish Western Carpathians during the Quaternary, Mieczysław Klimaszewski,
article/item/8893.html - 13.03 kB
Relief of the Orawa-Nowy Targ Basin, Western Carpathians [44.44% relevance]
Relief of the Orawa-Nowy Targ Basin, Western Carpathians This paper relies on the literature to outline … . 4 Relief of the Orawa-Nowy Targ Basin, Western Carpathians Adam Łajczak, Grzegorz Wałek, Roksana Zarychta … , slope, aspect, Orawa-Nowy Targ Basin, Western Carpathians Relief of the Orawa-Nowy Targ Basin, Western
article/item/14120.html - 15.71 kB
Contribution to the problem of slope development of the Moravian Carpathians in the ple-istocene period [33.33% relevance]
the problem of slope development of the Moravian Carpathians in the ple-istocene period Geographia Polonica ( … the problem of slope development of the Moravian Carpathians in the ple-istocene period Jaromir Demek … the problem of slope development of the Moravian Carpathians in the ple-istocene period, Jaromir Demek,
article/item/8896.html - 13.54 kB
From communism to a free-market economy: A reflection of socio-economic changes in land use structure in the vicinity of the city (Beskid Sądecki, Western Polish Carpathians) [33.33% relevance]
of the city (Beskid Sądecki, Western Polish Carpathians) Agricultural land is declining in many … of the city (Beskid Sądecki, Western Polish Carpathians) Anna Bucała-Hrabia Geographia Polonica (2017) … of the city (Beskid Sądecki, Western Polish Carpathians), Anna Bucała-Hrabia, Geographia Polonica (2017
article/item/10882.html - 14.83 kB
Evolution of the relief of the Polish East Carpathians in the Quaternary (with the upper San basin as example) [33.33% relevance]
Evolution of the relief of the Polish East Carpathians in the Quaternary (with the upper San basin as … . 10 Evolution of the relief of the Polish East Carpathians in the Quaternary (with the upper San basin as … 114 | Evolution of the relief of the Polish East Carpathians in the Quaternary (with the upper San basin as
article/item/8894.html - 12.34 kB
On the role of relief in differentiating climatic conditions of the Polish Carpathians [33.33% relevance]
climatic conditions of the Polish Carpathians The last decade brought about interesting … climatic conditions of the Polish Carpathians Barbara Obrębska-Starklowa Geographia Polonica ( … climatic conditions of the Polish Carpathians, Barbara Obrębska-Starklowa, Geographia Polonica
article/item/8197.html - 12.99 kB
A method of distinguishing and specifying vertical climatic zones in temperate zone mountains (with the Western Carpathians and the Eastern Alps as examples) [33.33% relevance]
in temperate zone mountains (with the Western Carpathians and the Eastern Alps as examples) Geographia … in temperate zone mountains (with the Western Carpathians and the Eastern Alps as examples) Mieczysław … in temperate zone mountains (with the Western Carpathians and the Eastern Alps as examples), Mieczysław
article/item/8813.html - 12.27 kB
Evolution of the Holocene alluvial fan of the River Stryi in the foreland of the Eastern Carpathians (Western Ukraine) [33.33% relevance]
the River Stryi in the foreland of the Eastern Carpathians (Western Ukraine) The research reconstructs the … the River Stryi in the foreland of the Eastern Carpathians (Western Ukraine) Piotr Gębica, Andrij Jacysyn, … the River Stryi in the foreland of the Eastern Carpathians (Western Ukraine), Piotr Gębica, Andrij Jacysyn
article/item/13551.html - 15.81 kB
Chronology of denudation processes in the last glacial period in the Flysch Carpathians [33.33% relevance]
in the last glacial period in the Flysch Carpathians Geographia Polonica (1964) vol. 2 Chronology of … in the last glacial period in the Flysch Carpathians Leszek Starkel Geographia Polonica (1964) vol. 2 … in the last glacial period in the Flysch Carpathians, Leszek Starkel, Geographia Polonica (1964) vol
article/item/9055.html - 12.23 kB
Zonal and azonal aspects of the agriculture-forest limit in the Polish Carpathians [33.33% relevance]
of the agriculture-forest limit in the Polish Carpathians Geographia Polonica (1980) vol. 43 Zonal and … of the agriculture-forest limit in the Polish Carpathians Bolesław Adamczyk, Tadeusz Gerlach, Barbara … of the agriculture-forest limit in the Polish Carpathians, Bolesław Adamczyk, Tadeusz Gerlach, Barbara
article/item/8302.html - 12.89 kB
Mapping of the geographical environment in the West Carpathians [33.33% relevance]
of the geographical environment in the West Carpathians Geographia Polonica (1977) vol. 34 Mapping of … the geographical environment in the West Carpathians Zdzisław Czeppe Geographia Polonica (1977) vol. … of the geographical environment in the West Carpathians, Zdzisław Czeppe, Geographia Polonica (1977) vol
article/item/8485.html - 11.72 kB
The role of land use in varying the suspended load during continuous rainfall (Kamienica Nawojowska catchment, flysch Carpathians) [33.33% relevance]
rainfall (Kamienica Nawojowska catchment, flysch Carpathians) The Carpathian river valleys experience … rainfall (Kamienica Nawojowska catchment, flysch Carpathians) Wojciech Froehlich Geographia Polonica (1978) … rainfall (Kamienica Nawojowska catchment, flysch Carpathians), Wojciech Froehlich, Geographia Polonica (1978
article/item/8334.html - 13.7 kB
A model of deposition of loess in central part of the Polish Flysch Carpathians during the last cold stage [33.33% relevance]
of loess in central part of the Polish Flysch Carpathians during the last cold stage The paper deals with … of loess in central part of the Polish Flysch Carpathians during the last cold stage Tadeusz Gerlach … of loess in central part of the Polish Flysch Carpathians during the last cold stage, Tadeusz Gerlach,
article/item/8011.html - 12.79 kB
The influence of snow avalanches on the timberline in the Babia Góra Massif, Western Carpathians [33.33% relevance]
the timberline in the Babia Góra Massif, Western Carpathians Avalanches are one of the most important abiotic … the timberline in the Babia Góra Massif, Western Carpathians Barbara Czajka, Adam Łajczak, Ryszard J. Kaczka … the timberline in the Babia Góra Massif, Western Carpathians, Barbara Czajka, Adam Łajczak, Ryszard J. Kaczka
article/item/9980.html - 14.9 kB
Contemporary changes in the relief of raised bogs on the example of the Polish Carpathians [33.33% relevance]
of raised bogs on the example of the Polish Carpathians The subject of this paper is the problem of … of raised bogs on the example of the Polish Carpathians Adam Łajczak Geographia Polonica (2011) vol. 84 … of raised bogs on the example of the Polish Carpathians, Adam Łajczak, Geographia Polonica (2011) vol.
article/item/7645.html - 14.32 kB
Recent advances on geomorphology of the Gorce Mountains, the Outer Western Carpathians – state-of-the-art and future perspectives [33.33% relevance]
of the Gorce Mountains, the Outer Western Carpathians – state-of-the-art and future perspectives The … of the Gorce Mountains, the Outer Western Carpathians – state-of-the-art and future perspectives Paweł … of the Gorce Mountains, the Outer Western Carpathians – state-of-the-art and future perspectives,
article/item/12896.html - 14.67 kB
Total solar radiation in Zakopane and at Mount Kasprowy Wierch (Western Carpathians, Poland) in 1986-2015 [33.33% relevance]
Zakopane and at Mount Kasprowy Wierch (Western Carpathians, Poland) in 1986-2015 The differences in the … Zakopane and at Mount Kasprowy Wierch (Western Carpathians, Poland) in 1986-2015 Elwira Żmudzka, Kinga … Zakopane and at Mount Kasprowy Wierch (Western Carpathians, Poland) in 1986-2015, Elwira Żmudzka, Kinga
article/item/11745.html - 14.45 kB
The dynamics of the timberline ecotone on the asymmetric ridge of the Babia Góra Massif, Western Carpathians [33.33% relevance]
ridge of the Babia Góra Massif, Western Carpathians Timberline ecotone (TE) generally developed … ridge of the Babia Góra Massif, Western Carpathians Barbara Czajka, Adam Łajczak, Ryszard J. Kaczka … ridge of the Babia Góra Massif, Western Carpathians, Barbara Czajka, Adam Łajczak, Ryszard J. Kaczka
article/item/9976.html - 14.61 kB
Economic use of the Babia Góra Massif and the assessment of anthropogenic changes in the course of the timberline [22.22% relevance]
(the most elevated ridge in the Western Flysch Carpathians), and in the surrounding valleys, various kinds … , Babia Góra Mt., Poland, flysch Western Carpathians Economic use of the Babia Góra Massif and the
article/item/9978.html - 14.77 kB
Planation surfaces in the Polish Carpatians: myth or reality? [22.22% relevance]
planation surfaces in the Polish segmentof the Carpathians varied depending on the state of recognition of … 2, pp. 155-178 | planation surfaces, exhumation, Carpathians, Poland Planation surfaces in the Polish
article/item/7651.html - 13.39 kB
Past Carpathian landscape recorded in the microtopography [11.11% relevance]
earthworks, LiDAR, Austrian cadastral maps, the Carpathians Past Carpathian landscape recorded in the
article/item/10610.html - 13.77 kB
Effect of a small dam reservoir on the water temperature in a Carpathian river [11.11% relevance]
-491 | water temperature, dam, reservoir, river, Carpathians Effect of a small dam reservoir on the water
article/item/11106.html - 14.36 kB
Differentiation of vertical limit of forest at the Babia Góra Mt., the Western Carpathian Mountains [11.11% relevance]
, snow avalanches, Babia Góra Mt., Western Carpathians Differentiation of vertical limit of forest at
article/item/11337.html - 14.82 kB
The retreat of alluvial river banks in the Wisłoka Valley (South Poland) [11.11% relevance]
dissecting the northern slope of the Polish West Carpathians and its foreland are being eroded in many places
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Durability of forest cover in the Ochotnica Valley (Gorce Mts.) and in the Solinka Valley (Bieszczady Mts.) in the 18th-21st centuries [11.11% relevance]
Mts.) in the 18th-21st centuries Forests in the Carpathians are increasing their range mainly due to the
article/item/12439.html - 15.22 kB
Geographia Polonica (1966) vol. 10 [11.11% relevance]
(1966) vol. 10 Geomorphological problems of Carpathians II
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The tree-ring growth responses to climate in the timberline ecotone of Babia Góra Mountain [11.11% relevance]
2015) vol. 88, iss. 2, pp. 163-176 | Babia Góra, Carpathians, climate, dendrochronology, Norway spruce, tree-
article/item/9981.html - 15.34 kB
Road accessibility to tourist destinations of the Polish-Slovak borderland: 2010-2030 prediction and planning [11.11% relevance]
, demand, isochrones, potential model, Carpathians, Polish-Slovak borderland Road accessibility to
article/item/9416.html - 20.77 kB
Differentiation of temporal water level dynamics in the Besko and Klimkówka reservoirs (the Low Beskids, Poland) [11.11% relevance]
hydrological regime, the Low Beskids, the Polish Carpathians, the Ropa River, the Wisłok River, water level
article/item/7603.html - 14.98 kB
The recent timberline changes in the Tatra Mountains: A case study of the Mengusovská Valley (Slovakia) and the Rybi Potok Valley (Poland) [11.11% relevance]
) vol. 88, iss. 2, pp. 71-83 | snow avalanches, Carpathians, Tatra Mountains, photointerpretation,
article/item/9975.html - 16.65 kB
Influence of the Czorsztyn-Sromowce Wyżne Reservoir Complex on the Dunajec River thermal-regime [11.11% relevance]
Polonica (2015) vol. 88, iss. 3, pp. 467-482 | Carpathians, Czorsztyn Reservoir, Dunajec River, Sromowce
article/item/10066.html - 15.19 kB