Results 1 - 4 of 4 for GHG (0.0012 seconds)
The emission, absorption and retention of greenhouse gases (GHG) in Polish agriculture [100.00% relevance]
, absorption and retention of greenhouse gases (GHG) in Polish agriculture Principal findings … concerning the balance of GHG emissions, absorption and retention in Polish … , absorption and retention of greenhouse gases (GHG) in Polish agriculture Emil Nalborczyk, Stefan … . 2, pp. 89-98 | greenhouse effect, agriculture, GHG, emission, absorption, retention, farms, Poland … , absorption and retention of greenhouse gases (GHG) in Polish agriculture, Emil Nalborczyk, Stefan
article/item/7804.html - 14.43 kB
Regionalisation of needs to reduce GHG emission from agriculture in Poland [80.00% relevance]
Regionalisation of needs to reduce GHG emission from agriculture in Poland An important … . 93, iss. 3 Regionalisation of needs to reduce GHG emission from agriculture in Poland Mariusz … -376 | agriculture, rural areas, mitigation of GHG emissions, Polish communes, low-carbon economy … Regionalisation of needs to reduce GHG emission from agriculture in Poland, Mariusz
article/item/12570.html - 14.91 kB
Dilemmas for decisionmakers associated with the implementation of the Framework Convention of Climate Change (abstract) [60.00% relevance]
) vol. 71, pp. 120 | greenhouse gas emission (GHG) and sink, GHG reduction options and strategies … , GHG impacts on economy and society Dilemmas for
article/item/7838.html - 12.55 kB
The role of forest ecosystems and wood in controlling the absorption and emission of carbon dioxide [20.00% relevance]
e. a source of the emission of greenhouse gases (GHG), predominantly in result of defore-station; …
article/item/7786.html - 14.59 kB