Results 1 - 1 of 1 for GHG reduction options and strategies (0.1051 seconds)
Dilemmas for decisionmakers associated with the implementation of the Framework Convention of Climate Change (abstract) [100.00% relevance]
vol. 71, pp. 120 | greenhouse gas emission (GHG) and sink, GHG reduction options and strategies, GHG … impacts on economy and society Dilemmas for decisionmakers associated … ) vol. 71, pp. 120 | greenhouse gas emission (GHG) and sink, GHG reduction options and strategies … , GHG impacts on economy and society Dilemmas for … gas emission (GHG) and sink, GHG reduction options and strategies, GHG impacts on economy and … | greenhouse gas emission (GHG) and sink, GHG reduction options and strategies, GHG impacts on economy … (GHG) and sink, GHG reduction options and strategies, GHG impacts on economy and society Dilemmas for
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