Results 1 - 12 of 12 for Kraków (0.0055 seconds)
Long-term Variability in the Number of Days with Precipitation in Kraków in Relation to Circulation Patterns [100.00% relevance]
in the Number of Days with Precipitation in Kraków in Relation to Circulation Patterns The paper … in the number of days with precipitation in Kraków in relation to changes in atmospheric … in the Number of Days with Precipitation in Kraków in Relation to Circulation Patterns Robert … with precipitation, atmospheric circulation, Kraków Long-term Variability in the Number of Days with … Precipitation in Kraków in Relation to Circulation Patterns, Robert
article/item/7847.html - 14.21 kB
Reconstruction of the morphology and hydrography of the centre of Kraków before the mid-13th century [100.00% relevance]
the morphology and hydrography of the centre of Kraków before the mid-13th century The paper concerns … subject of the paper is the historic centre of Kraków (or Cracow) where the pre-human relief became … the morphology and hydrography of the centre of Kraków before the mid-13th century Adam Łajczak, … . 93, iss. 1, pp. 25-50 | pre-urban morphology, Kraków, Vistula, meandering river, limestone horst, … the morphology and hydrography of the centre of Kraków before the mid-13th century, Adam Łajczak,
article/item/12437.html - 15.19 kB
Reurbanisation in a post-socialist city: Spatial differentiation of the population in the Kraków area (Poland) [80.00% relevance]
Spatial differentiation of the population in the Kraków area (Poland) A process of reurbanisation … Spatial differentiation of the population in the Kraków area (Poland) Sławomir Kurek, Mirosław Wójtowicz … , post-socialist city, spatial disparities, Kraków, Poland Reurbanisation in a post-socialist city … Spatial differentiation of the population in the Kraków area (Poland), Sławomir Kurek, Mirosław
article/item/11606.html - 14.49 kB
Contribution of the Department of Geomorphology and Hydrology of Mountains and Uplands IGSO PAS in Kraków to the development of Polish Geomorphology (1953-2012) [80.00% relevance]
Hydrology of Mountains and Uplands IGSO PAS in Kraków to the development of Polish Geomorphology (1953 … and Hydrology of Mountains and Uplands in Kraków was established in November 1953 by Professor … Hydrology of Mountains and Uplands IGSO PAS in Kraków to the development of Polish Geomorphology (1953 … Hydrology of Mountains and Uplands IGSO PAS in Kraków to the development of Polish Geomorphology (1953
article/item/10626.html - 14.78 kB
Diurnal changes in the isotope composition of atmospheric CO2 in Kraków [80.00% relevance]
in the isotope composition of atmospheric CO2 in Kraków In this paper we present the preliminary results … the isotopic composition of atmospheric CO2 in Kraków. We present four experiments done in … … in the isotope composition of atmospheric CO2 in Kraków Mirosław Zimnoch, Jarosław Nęcki, Tadeusz … in the isotope composition of atmospheric CO2 in Kraków, Mirosław Zimnoch, Jarosław Nęcki, Tadeusz
article/item/7897.html - 13.28 kB
Does suburbanisation contribute to the rejuvenation of a metropolitan area? Changes in the age structure of the Kraków metropolitan area in Poland in the light of recent suburbanisation [80.00% relevance]
area? Changes in the age structure of the Kraków metropolitan area in Poland in the light of … area? Changes in the age structure of the Kraków metropolitan area in Poland in the light of … , population ageing, post-socialist city, Kraków, Poland Does suburbanisation contribute to the … area? Changes in the age structure of the Kraków metropolitan area in Poland in the light of
article/item/10919.html - 15.31 kB
The impact of cemeteries in Kraków on the natural environment– selected aspects [60.00% relevance]
The impact of cemeteries in Kraków on the natural environment– selected aspects In … ) vol. 84, iss. 1 The impact of cemeteries in Kraków on the natural environment– selected aspects … the element contents The impact of cemeteries in Kraków on the natural environment– selected aspects,
article/item/7624.html - 13.49 kB
Long-term and seasonal variability of air masses temperature in Kraków (1961-2023) [40.00% relevance]
variability of air masses temperature in Kraków (1961-2023) This study attempted to determine … variability of air masses temperature in Kraków (1961-2023) Zuzanna Bielec-Bąkowska Geographia … purpose, the daily air temperature values at the Kraków-Balice synoptic station were used, as well as
article/item/14203.html - 13.34 kB
Exploring the Role of Sticky Places in Attracting the Software Industry to Poland [20.00% relevance]
place, location factors, localised growth, Kraków, Poland. Exploring the Role of Sticky Places in
article/item/7674.html - 13.35 kB
Poverty and household economic practices in Nowa Huta, Poland [20.00% relevance]
Huta, Poland Drawing upon research in Nowa Huta (Kraków, Poland), the paper investigates theeconomic
article/item/5579.html - 14.33 kB
Thermal characterization of winters in the 20th century in Krakow [20.00% relevance]
extreme winters, air temperature, South Poland, Kraków Thermal characterization of winters in the 20th
article/item/7868.html - 13.98 kB
Variability of the Air Temperature in Central Europe in the Years 1792-1995 [20.00% relevance]
Central Europe, specifically those for Warsaw, Kraków, Prague and Vienna. It was, above all, the …
article/item/7844.html - 13.73 kB