Results 1 - 4 of 4 for LIDAR (0.0016 seconds)
Hidden cultural heritage in the abandoned landscape - identification and interpretation using airborne LiDAR [100.00% relevance]
identification and interpretation using airborne LiDAR Geographia Polonica (2016) vol. 89, iss. 3 … identification and interpretation using airborne LiDAR Andrzej Affek Geographia Polonica (2016) vol. 89 … identification and interpretation using airborne LiDAR, Andrzej Affek, Geographia Polonica (2016) vol.
article/item/10609.html - 12.25 kB
Floodplain forms along the lowland Maros River, Hungary [33.33% relevance]
levee, crevasse, point-bar, human impact, LiDAR survey, Maros River, Hungarian floodplain
article/item/12438.html - 14.39 kB
Past Carpathian landscape recorded in the microtopography [33.33% relevance]
3, pp. 415-424 | abandoned villages, earthworks, LiDAR, Austrian cadastral maps, the Carpathians Past
article/item/10610.html - 13.77 kB
A novel multiproxy approach to detect the impact of charcoal production on the natural environment in NW Poland – project concept and preliminary results [33.33% relevance]
charcoal hearths, legacy effects, deforestation, LIDAR, multiproxy, Central Europe A novel multiproxy
article/item/13320.html - 24.83 kB