Results 1 - 2 of 2 for Paris metropolitan area (0.0232 seconds)
Intermediate social housing in the Paris metropolitan area [100.00% relevance]
social housing in the Paris metropolitan area Intermediate social housing in France … social housing in the Paris metropolitan area Magdalena Górczyńska Geographia Polonica (2016) … , middle-income households, Paris metropolitan area Intermediate social housing in the Paris … metropolitan area, Magdalena Górczyńska, Geographia Polonica (2016 … Intermediate social housing in the Paris metropolitan area Intermediate social housing in France … iss. 4 Intermediate social housing in the Paris metropolitan area Magdalena Górczyńska Geographia Polonica ( … housing policy, middle-income households, Paris metropolitan area Intermediate social housing in the Paris … Intermediate social housing in the Paris metropolitan area Intermediate social housing in … . 89, iss. 4 Intermediate social housing in the Paris metropolitan area Magdalena Górczyńska … , housing policy, middle-income households, Paris metropolitan area Intermediate social housing in … the Paris metropolitan area, Magdalena
article/item/10718.html - 13.72 kB
Residential segregation of metropolitan areas of Warsaw, Berlin and Paris [83.33% relevance]
segregation, spatial segregation, metropolitan area, Warsaw, Berlin, Paris Residential segregation … Residential segregation of metropolitan areas of Warsaw, Berlin and Paris The aim of the … greatest extent segregated in the three selected metropolitan areas of … Geographia Polonica (2016) vol. 89, … iss. 2 Residential segregation of metropolitan areas of Warsaw, Berlin and Paris Barbara … | residential segregation, spatial segregation, metropolitan area, Warsaw, Berlin, Paris Residential … segregation of metropolitan areas of Warsaw, Berlin and Paris, Barbara … of metropolitan areas of Warsaw, Berlin and Paris The aim of the work detailed in this article has … of metropolitan areas of Warsaw, Berlin and Paris Barbara Jaczewska, Anna Grzegorczyk Geographia … segregation, metropolitan area, Warsaw, Berlin, Paris Residential segregation of metropolitan areas of … Warsaw, Berlin and Paris, Barbara Jaczewska, Anna Grzegorczyk, Geographia
article/item/10506.html - 14 kB