Results 1 - 4 of 4 for Wrocław (0.0027 seconds)
Cultural sector entities in Wrocław [100.00% relevance]
Cultural sector entities in Wrocław The present article deals with issues of … to characterise cultural sectorentities in Wrocław (Poland). The study is based on a statistical … … ) vol. 93, iss. 3 Cultural sector entities in Wrocław Beata Namyślak Geographia Polonica (2020) vol. … 377-396 | cultural sector, creative industries, Wrocław, Poland Cultural sector entities in Wrocław,
article/item/12571.html - 15.65 kB
Wrocław comme centre régional [60.00% relevance]
régional Geographia Polonica (1967) vol. 12 Wrocław comme centre régional Stefan Gołachowski … Polonica (1967) vol. 12, pp. 287-292 | Wrocław comme centre régional, Stefan Gołachowski,
article/item/8872.html - 11.5 kB
Evaporation in Wroclaw and its vari-ability in the years 1946-1995 [20.00% relevance]
study of evapora-tion from the water surface in Wrocław and its variability in the years 1946-1995. The
article/item/7780.html - 13.99 kB
Semi-urbanization, with special reference to the problem of settlement complexes [20.00% relevance]
out bythe Department of Social Geography at Wrocław University under the directionof Professor
article/item/8657.html - 13.79 kB