Results 1 - 8 of 8 for adaptation (0.0050 seconds)
Can the serious game serve as a tool for education in founding local adaptation solutions to climate change? [100.00% relevance]
serve as a tool for education in founding local adaptation solutions to climate change? The article … , which aims to become an educational tool for adaptation on a local scale to climate … Geographia … serve as a tool for education in founding local adaptation solutions to climate change? Magdalena Kuchcik, … , education for sustainable development, city adaptation Can the serious game serve as a tool for … education in founding local adaptation solutions to climate change?, Magdalena Kuchcik
article/item/14122.html - 16.04 kB
Adaptation to climate change at district level in the case of Budapest, Hungary [80.00% relevance]
; … Geographia Polonica (2023) vol. 96, iss. 2 Adaptation to climate change at district level in the case … , iss. 2, pp. 221-237 | climate change, climate adaptation, district scale, Budapest, Hungary Adaptation to
article/item/13587.html - 14.79 kB
Adaptation du concept et de méthodes de régionalisation économique aux pays en voie de développement [60.00% relevance]
développement Geographia Polonica (1964) vol. 4 Adaptation du concept et de méthodes de régionalisation … Geographia Polonica (1964) vol. 4, pp. 165-172 | Adaptation du concept et de méthodes de régionalisation
article/item/9023.html - 11.89 kB
Ebi K. L., Burton I., Mcgregor G. R. (eds.), Biometeorology for adaptation to climate variability and change, United Kingdom, Springer 2009 [60.00% relevance]
I., Mcgregor G. R. (eds.), Biometeorology for adaptation to climate variability and change, United … I., Mcgregor G. R. (eds.), Biometeorology for adaptation to climate variability and change, United … I., Mcgregor G. R. (eds.), Biometeorology for adaptation to climate variability and change, United
article/item/7731.html - 12.43 kB
Climatic of Tectonic Adaptation of the Relief of Young Montains in the Quaternary [60.00% relevance]
Climatic of Tectonic Adaptation of the Relief of Young Montains in the … Polonica (1969) vol. 17 Climatic of Tectonic Adaptation of the Relief of Young Montains in the … ) vol. 17, pp. 209-230 | Climatic of Tectonic Adaptation of the Relief of Young Montains in the
article/item/8767.html - 12.2 kB
Lighting characteristics during the polar day and their impact on changes in melatonin secretion [20.00% relevance]
(2013) vol. 86, iss. 1, pp. 67-75 | UTCI, adaptation, diurnal rhythm, lighting conditions, melatonin
article/item/7730.html - 15.26 kB
On a new approach to the theory of settlement systems [20.00% relevance]
to the possibilities and consequences of an adaptation for the geographic settlement systems research
article/item/7928.html - 12.58 kB
Urban heat island atlas: a web tool for the determination and mitigation of Urban Heat Island effects [20.00% relevance]
: ‘Development and applicationof mitigation and adaptation strategiesand measures for counteracting the
article/item/9534.html - 13.43 kB