Results 1 - 29 of 29 for circulation (0.0129 seconds)
Universal Thermal Climate Index in Lesko and Lublin and its circulation determinants [100.00% relevance]
Climate Index in Lesko and Lublin and its circulation determinants In Lesko and Lublin, Poland, from … Climate Index in Lesko and Lublin and its circulation determinants Marek Nowosad, Beata Rodzik, … 36 | UTCI, cold stress, heat stress, atmospheric circulation, zonal circulation index, meridional circulation … Climate Index in Lesko and Lublin and its circulation determinants, Marek Nowosad, Beata Rodzik,
article/item/7726.html - 14.71 kB
Cloud cover over Spitsbergen and its relation to atmospheric circulation (1983-2015) [83.33% relevance]
over Spitsbergen and its relation to atmospheric circulation (1983-2015) This paper discusses the cloud cover … and its relation to atmospheric circulation over Spitsbergen during 1983-2015. It focuses on … over Spitsbergen and its relation to atmospheric circulation (1983-2015) Ewa Łupikasza, Oskar Lipiński … 90, iss. 1, pp. 21-38 | cloud cover, atmospheric circulation, Spitsbergen, the Arctic Cloud cover over … Spitsbergen and its relation to atmospheric circulation (1983-2015), Ewa Łupikasza, Oskar Lipiński,
article/item/10879.html - 13.85 kB
Long-term Variability in the Number of Days with Precipitation in Kraków in Relation to Circulation Patterns [83.33% relevance]
Days with Precipitation in Kraków in Relation to Circulation Patterns The paper analyses long-term … in Kraków in relation to changes in atmospheric circulation. Data on annual, semi-annual and … Geographia … Days with Precipitation in Kraków in Relation to Circulation Patterns Robert Twardosz Geographia Polonica ( … , number of days with precipitation, atmospheric circulation, Kraków Long-term Variability in the Number of … Days with Precipitation in Kraków in Relation to Circulation Patterns, Robert Twardosz, Geographia Polonica (
article/item/7847.html - 14.21 kB
Influence of human activity on water circulation [66.67% relevance]
Influence of human activity on water circulation The present article discusses only one section … issue, i.e. changes in the structure of water circulation under the influence of man's activity. … … ) vol. 45 Influence of human activity on water circulation Tadeusz Wilgat Geographia Polonica (1983) vol. … pp. 71-82 | Influence of human activity on water circulation, Tadeusz Wilgat, Geographia Polonica (1983) vol
article/item/8270.html - 12.31 kB
Variability of the zonal circulation index over Central Europe according to the Lityński method [66.67% relevance]
Variability of the zonal circulation index over Central Europe according to the … (2017) vol. 90, iss. 4 Variability of the zonal circulation index over Central Europe according to the … iss. 4, pp. 417-430 | annual course, atmospheric circulation, fluctuations, geostrophic wind, Central Europe … , trends, zonal index Variability of the zonal circulation index over Central Europe according to the
article/item/11102.html - 13.87 kB
Air temperature and location of isobaric surfaces in relation to atmospheric circulation, based on radiosonde data from Legionowo, Poland [66.67% relevance]
of isobaric surfaces in relation to atmospheric circulation, based on radiosonde data from Legionowo, Poland … of isobaric surfaces in relation to atmospheric circulation, based on radiosonde data from Legionowo, Poland … radiosonde data, isobaric surface, atmospheric circulation, air temperature, Central Europe lowland Air … of isobaric surfaces in relation to atmospheric circulation, based on radiosonde data from Legionowo, Poland
article/item/11744.html - 14.99 kB
Moisture and circulation conditions during heavy precipitation events in Łódź [66.67% relevance]
Moisture and circulation conditions during heavy precipitation events in … Polonica (2017) vol. 90, iss. 1 Moisture and circulation conditions during heavy precipitation events in … vapor flux, precipitable water, atmospheric circulation Moisture and circulation conditions during heavy
article/item/10883.html - 13.49 kB
Long-term and seasonal variability of air masses temperature in Kraków (1961-2023) [66.67% relevance]
were used, as well as the types of atmospheric circulation and air masses for southern Poland from the … daily Calendar of Atmospheric Circulation Types for southern Poland. The study showed that … not necessarily hot ones. Keywords: atmospheric circulation, air masses temperature, southern Poland • … Europe atmospheric circulation, air masses temperature, southern Poland •
article/item/14203.html - 13.34 kB
Mild winters in Cracow against the background of the con-temporary circulation processes [50.00% relevance]
against the background of the con-temporary circulation processes Geographia Polonica (1976) vol. 33 1 … against the background of the con-temporary circulation processes Janina Trepińska Geographia Polonica ( … against the background of the con-temporary circulation processes, Janina Trepińska, Geographia Polonica
article/item/8524.html - 11.95 kB
Water circulation in the steppe zone of Mongolia [50.00% relevance]
Water circulation in the steppe zone of Mongolia The upland … of a … Geographia Polonica (1984) vol. 50 Water circulation in the steppe zone of Mongolia Wojciech … Polonica (1984) vol. 50, pp. 345-356 | Water circulation in the steppe zone of Mongolia, Wojciech
article/item/8204.html - 13.07 kB
The impact of mountain lee waves on the near-surface atmospheric pressure and local air circulation in the foreland of the Polish Tatra Mountains [50.00% relevance]
near-surface atmospheric pressure and local air circulation in the foreland of the Polish Tatra Mountains … near-surface atmospheric pressure and local air circulation in the foreland of the Polish Tatra Mountains … near-surface atmospheric pressure and local air circulation in the foreland of the Polish Tatra Mountains,
article/item/10541.html - 14.04 kB
The size and structure of currency circulation as a typological criterion of towns [50.00% relevance]
The size and structure of currency circulation as a typological criterion of towns Geographia … 1964) vol. 2 The size and structure of currency circulation as a typological criterion of towns Ludwik … pp. 145-152 | The size and structure of currency circulation as a typological criterion of towns, Ludwik
article/item/9066.html - 11.94 kB
Heatwaves in Poland – Frequency, Trends and Relationships with Atmospheric Circulation [50.00% relevance]
, Trends and Relationships with Atmospheric Circulation The daily minimum and maximum temperatures at … , Trends and Relationships with Atmospheric Circulation Joanna Wibig, Agnieszka Podstawczyńska, Marcin … , Trends and Relationships with Atmospheric Circulation, Joanna Wibig, Agnieszka Podstawczyńska, Marcin
article/item/7667.html - 14.11 kB
Continental-scale monthly thermal anomalies in Europe during the years 1951-2018 and their occurrence in relation to atmospheric circulation [50.00% relevance]
and their occurrence in relation to atmospheric circulation This study determines the frequency, location … and their occurrence in relation to atmospheric circulation Robert Twardosz, Zuzanna Bielec-Bąkowska … and their occurrence in relation to atmospheric circulation, Robert Twardosz, Zuzanna Bielec-Bąkowska,
article/item/13233.html - 15.69 kB
Coldwaves in Poland – Frequency, Trends and Relationships with Atmospheric Circulation [50.00% relevance]
, Trends and Relationships with Atmospheric Circulation The daily minimum and maximum temperatures at … , Trends and Relationships with Atmospheric Circulation Joanna Wibig, Agnieszka Podstawczyńska, Marcin … , Trends and Relationships with Atmospheric Circulation, Joanna Wibig, Agnieszka Podstawczyńska, Marcin
article/item/7668.html - 14.13 kB
Variablity of Selected Thermal Characteristics of the Air in the Carpathian Foothills in the Years 1951-1995 [50.00% relevance]
illustrating the influence of atmospheric circulation on the distribution and multi-year … Geographia … Polonica (1997) vol. 70, pp. 53-64 | atmospheric circulation, circulation indices, climatic variability, mean
article/item/7845.html - 13.45 kB
The diagnosis of climate change in Cracow against a background of circulation and local conditions [50.00% relevance]
climate change in Cracow against a background of circulation and local conditions The multi-annual … climate change in Cracow against a background of circulation and local conditions Barbara Obrębska-Starklowa … climate change in Cracow against a background of circulation and local conditions, Barbara Obrębska-Starklowa
article/item/7931.html - 13.44 kB
Natural and anthropogenic fluctuations and trends of climate change in Southern Poland [33.33% relevance]
scale. There are discussed: changeability of the circulation indices during … Geographia Polonica (1994) vol … (1994) vol. 62, pp. 7-22 | climate change, circulation indices, air temperature, sunshine duration,
article/item/7937.html - 14.8 kB
Synoptic - climatic structure of the extreme air thermal phenomena in Poland [33.33% relevance]
phenomena in Poland The influence of atmospheric circulation upon extreme temperatures in Poland is being … , extreme temperature values, atmos-pheric circulation, synoptic climatology Synoptic - climatic
article/item/7788.html - 13.56 kB
Analysis of results of glo-bal climate models for Central Europe and Poland [33.33% relevance]
simulations by the ocean and atmosphere general circulation models from the IPCC DDC for two regions: the … iss. 2, pp. 49-64 | climate simulations, general circulation models, air temperature, precipitation, wind
article/item/7785.html - 13.4 kB
Variability to the frequency of occurrence of masses of maritime air over northern and central Poland in the 18th to 20th centuries [16.67% relevance]
| climate change, 3 last centuries, atmospheric circulation, advections from the west, masses of maritime
article/item/7791.html - 14.18 kB
Regional climate scenarios and their applications [16.67% relevance]
pp. 39-56 | regional climate scenarios, general circulation models, global climate change, downscaling,
article/item/7829.html - 13.39 kB
A stochastic weather generator as a tool for the construction of climate change scenarios [16.67% relevance]
vol. 67, pp. 29-38 | Weather generator, general circulation model (GCM), climate change scenarios, climate
article/item/7864.html - 13.13 kB
Very warm nights in the Polish coastal area of the Baltic Sea [16.67% relevance]
. 3, pp. 493-502 | air masses, Baltic Sea coast, circulation, synoptic situations, very warm night Very warm
article/item/10068.html - 13.5 kB
A stochastic weather generator as a tool for the construction of climate change scenarios (abstract) [16.67% relevance]
vol. 71, pp. 57-58 | weather generator, general circulation model (GCM), climate change scenario, climate
article/item/7830.html - 12.46 kB
Evaporation in Wroclaw and its vari-ability in the years 1946-1995 [16.67% relevance]
-year variability, solar activity, atmospheric circulation Evaporation in Wroclaw and its vari-ability in
article/item/7780.html - 13.99 kB
Anthropogenic changes in water conditions in the Lublin Area [16.67% relevance]
Polonica (1997) vol. 68, pp. 81-97 | water circulation, water resources, changes in water conditions,
article/item/7882.html - 13.4 kB
Understanding and assessments of some aspects of climate variation in Poland [16.67% relevance]
climate forecasts, climatic cycles, atmospheric circulation Understanding and assessments of some aspects of
article/item/7865.html - 14.32 kB
Thermal stress in selected mountain system in Central and Eastern Europe – initial research based on UTCI characteristics [16.67% relevance]
of local climates (by modification of air circulation, insolation, air temperature, precipitation,
article/item/12949.html - 16.85 kB