Results 1 - 2 of 2 for cliff (0.0013 seconds)
Tendencies of debris slope evolution in the High Tatra Mountains [100.00% relevance]
evolution in the High Tatra Mountains An alpine cliff and related to it talus slope* are the most … by glaciers. The development of a young cliff starts at the moment … Geographia Polonica (1988
article/item/8080.html - 13.38 kB
Dynamics of the Polish coast east of Ustka [100.00% relevance]
has been to verify schemes for the developmentof cliff coasts proposed earlier by Subotowicz (1982). … 2010) vol. 83, iss. 1, pp. 51-60 | coastal zone, cliff, Southern Baltic, extreme storms, erosion.
article/item/7659.html - 13.69 kB