Results 1 - 28 of 28 for climate changes (0.0383 seconds)
Changes in Vegetation and Soils of the East European Plain to Be Expected in the 21st Century Due to the Anthropogenic Changes in Climate [100.00% relevance]
in the 21st Century Due to the Anthropogenic Changes in Climate The paleogeographic analog method has … been applied to estimate future changes inthe state of the main components of the … … Geographia Polonica (2005) vol. 77, iss. 2 Changes in Vegetation and Soils of the East European … in the 21st Century Due to the Anthropogenic Changes in Climate Andrej Alekseevič Veličko, O. K. … vol. 77, iss. 2, pp. 35-46 | warming of climate, changes in vegetation and soils, the paleogeographic … analog method, East European Plain Changes in Vegetation and Soils of the East European … in the 21st Century Due to the Anthropogenic Changes in Climate, Andrej Alekseevič Veličko, O. K. … 21st Century Due to the Anthropogenic Changes in Climate The paleogeographic analog method has been … 21st Century Due to the Anthropogenic Changes in Climate Andrej Alekseevič Veličko, O. K. Borisova, E. M … (2005) vol. 77, iss. 2, pp. 35-46 | warming of climate, changes in vegetation and soils, the … 21st Century
article/item/7734.html - 14.67 kB
Main features of global climate models and the impact of predicted climate changes for agriculture and forestry [100.00% relevance]
models and the impact of predicted climate changes for agriculture and forestry The atmosphere … models and the impact of predicted climate changes for agriculture and forestry Bogumił Jakubiak … models and the impact of predicted climate changes for agriculture and forestry, Bogumił Jakubiak, … Main features of global climate models and the impact of predicted climate … exchanges heat, moisture and momentum with other climate subsystems. All these interactions are modeled … (1999) vol. 72, iss. 2 Main features of global climate models and the impact of predicted climate … Polonica (1999) vol. 72, iss. 2, pp. 15-26 | climate models, agriculture, interactions between … system components Main features of global climate models and the impact of predicted climate
article/item/7801.html - 13.24 kB
Impact of climate change on water resources in lowland Poland [83.33% relevance]
years 1961-2021. In order to compare changes in annual precipitation totals and mean annual … air temperature values with changes in annual mean specific discharge, linear trends … . In none of the examined catchments were the changes in annual precipitation totals statistically … on water management.The greatest negative changes are observed in the central part of Poland. … Impact of climate change on water resources in lowland Poland In … this study, climate change was described by area-averaged annual … Polonica (2025) vol. 98, iss. 1 Impact of climate change on water resources in lowland Poland … .org/10.7163/GPol.0290 Abstract In this study, climate change was described by area-averaged annual … , air temperature, precipitation totals, climate change Polish lowlands, specific discharge, air … temperature, precipitation totals, climate change
article/item/14201.html - 14.87 kB
Study on changes and self-similarity in climate dynamics over the Europe-North [75.00% relevance]
Study on changes and self-similarity in climate dynamics over the … Europe-North TO the study of climatic changes in the Europe-North Atlantic region some methods … ) … Geographia Polonica (1996) vol. 67 Study on changes and self-similarity in climate dynamics over the … , empirical long-term forecasting Study on changes and self-similarity in climate dynamics over the … Study on changes and self-similarity in climate dynamics over the Europe-North TO the study of … vol. 67 Study on changes and self-similarity in climate dynamics over the Europe-North Bogumił Jakubiak … Geographia Polonica (1996) vol. 67, pp. 5-28 | climate modelling, climate change, chaotic strange … Study on changes and self-similarity in climate dynamics over the Europe-North, Bogumił Jakubiak
article/item/7851.html - 14.17 kB
The influence of climate changes on demand for irrigation water in Poland [66.67% relevance]
The influence of climate changes on demand for irrigation water in Poland … Polonica (1998) vol. 71 The influence of climate changes on demand for irrigation water in Poland Czesław … demand, climate change The influence of climate changes on demand for irrigation water in Poland, … The influence of climate changes on demand for irrigation water in Poland … water is analyzed in relatim to possible climate change by comparing demand for 1951-1990, … Polonica (1998) vol. 71 The influence of climate changes on demand for irrigation water in Poland … Irrigation of agricultural land, water demand, climate change The influence of climate changes on
article/item/7839.html - 13.39 kB
Trends to changes in seasonal aspects of the climate in Poland [66.67% relevance]
Trends to changes in seasonal aspects of the climate in Poland The … study details the results of a search for changes in the annual rhythms for atmospheric pressure, … Polonica (2000) vol. 73, iss. 2 Trends to changes in seasonal aspects of the climate in Poland … Polonica (2000) vol. 73, iss. 2, pp. 7-24 | changes in air temperature and precipitation Trends to … Trends to changes in seasonal aspects of the climate in Poland The study details the results of a … . 2 Trends to changes in seasonal aspects of the climate in Poland Krzysztof Kożuchowski, Jan … Trends to changes in seasonal aspects of the climate in Poland, Krzysztof Kożuchowski, Jan
article/item/7781.html - 15.02 kB
Degradation of the climate in the industrial areas [66.67% relevance]
of the climate in the industrial areas The changes in the climate of Cracow agglomeration during … Degradation of the climate in the industrial areas The changes in the … of urbanization in Poland. The alteration of climate was … Geographia Polonica (1995) vol. 64 … Degradation of the climate in the industrial areas Barbara Obrębska- … Urbanization, human impact, air pollution, local climate change, urban climate Degradation of the climate
article/item/7910.html - 12.87 kB
Do climate changes increase the threat to crops by pathogens, weeds and pests? [66.67% relevance]
Do climate changes increase the threat to crops by pathogens, weeds … Polonica (1999) vol. 72, iss. 2 Do climate changes increase the threat to crops by pathogens, weeds … effect, pests, weeds, pathogens. Do climate changes increase the threat to crops by pathogens, weeds … Do climate changes increase the threat to crops by … Poland are evaluating possible scenarios of climate change and their effect on agriculture, which … … Geographia Polonica (1999) vol. 72, iss. 2 Do climate changes increase the threat to crops by … Polonica (1999) vol. 72, iss. 2, pp. 99-110 | Climate change, global warming, plant protection, … greenhouse effect, pests, weeds, pathogens. Do climate changes increase the threat to crops by
article/item/7805.html - 13.39 kB
Changes in the thermal regime of rivers in Poland with different sizes and levels of human impact based on daily data (1961-2020) [66.67% relevance]
… Geographia Polonica (2025) vol. 98, iss. 1 Changes in the thermal regime of rivers in Poland with … impacted rivers showed lower, often negative changes. The study highlights the impact of climate … examines thermal parameters of rivers during climate warming, focusing on quasi-natural rivers and … examines thermal parameters of rivers during climate warming, focusing on quasi-natural rivers and … changes. The study highlights the impact of climate warming and human activity on river thermal … regime. Keywords: river thermal regime, climate change, water temperature fluctuations river … thermal regime, climate change, water temperature fluctuations
article/item/14202.html - 14.81 kB
Changes in specific runoff in river catchments of Western Pomerania versus climate change [58.33% relevance]
… Geographia Polonica (2022) vol. 95, iss. 1 Changes in specific runoff in river catchments of … climate change effects, water resource depletion Changes in specific runoff in river catchments of … in river catchments of Western Pomerania versus climate change This paper examines specific runoffs in … in river catchments of Western Pomerania versus climate change Małgorzata Świątek, Szymon Walczakiewicz … coastlands, temporal trends in river runoff, climate change effects, water resource depletion Changes … in river catchments of Western Pomerania versus climate change, Małgorzata Świątek, Szymon Walczakiewicz
article/item/13230.html - 14.53 kB
Possibile secondary mobilization of heavy metals from oottom sediments under conditions of anticipated climate change [50.00% relevance]
climatic warming will cause hydrological changes on Earth which will be accompanied by changes to … oottom sediments under conditions of anticipated climate change The forecast climatic warming will cause … oottom sediments under conditions of anticipated climate change Teresa Rudzirska-Zapaśnik Geographia … Polonica (1998) vol. 71, pp. 103-108 | climate change, aquatic sediments, metal mobility in … oottom sediments under conditions of anticipated climate change, Teresa Rudzirska-Zapaśnik, Geographia
article/item/7836.html - 13.46 kB
Understanding and assessments of some aspects of climate variation in Poland [50.00% relevance]
of Polish climatologists dealing with climate changes. Some results of the studies carried out by A. … Understanding and assessments of some aspects of climate variation in Poland This paper discusses the … output of Polish climatologists dealing with climate changes. Some results of the studies carried out … Understanding and assessments of some aspects of climate variation in Poland Krzysztof Kożuchowski … 67, pp. 39-58 | climatic change, global warming, climate forecasts, climatic cycles, atmospheric … Understanding and assessments of some aspects of climate variation in Poland, Krzysztof Kożuchowski,
article/item/7865.html - 14.32 kB
Influence of man and climate changes on relief and geological structure transformation in central Poland since the Neolithic [50.00% relevance]
Influence of man and climate changes on relief and geological structure … Issue Part 1 Influence of man and climate changes on relief and geological structure … , central Poland Influence of man and climate changes on relief and geological structure … Influence of man and climate changes on relief and geological structure … , iss. Special Issue Part 1 Influence of man and climate changes on relief and geological structure … Neoholocene, central Poland Influence of man and climate changes on relief and geological structure
article/item/7639.html - 14.03 kB
Polish Baltic coast: changes, hazards and management [41.67% relevance]
Polish Baltic coast: changes, hazards and management It is widely taken for … Polonica (1994) vol. 62 Polish Baltic coast: changes, hazards and management Ryszard B. Zeidler … to sea level rise Polish Baltic coast: changes, hazards and management, Ryszard B. Zeidler, … It is widely taken for granted that the climate is changing worldwide, partly on account of … Geographia Polonica (1994) vol. 62, pp. 81-98 | climate change; sea level rise; shore protection;
article/item/7942.html - 14.69 kB
Natural and anthropogenic fluctuations and trends of climate change in Southern Poland [41.67% relevance]
of climate change in Southern Poland Climatic changes in Southern Poland, including the Carpathian … and anthropogenic fluctuations and trends of climate change in Southern Poland Climatic changes in … and anthropogenic fluctuations and trends of climate change in Southern Poland Zdzisław Bednarz, … Geographia Polonica (1994) vol. 62, pp. 7-22 | climate change, circulation indices, air temperature, … and anthropogenic fluctuations and trends of climate change in Southern Poland, Zdzisław Bednarz,
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Vegetation Mapping in Norway and a Scenario for Vegetation Changes in a Mountain District [41.67% relevance]
Mapping in Norway and a Scenario for Vegetation Changes in a Mountain District This article presents … Mapping in Norway and a Scenario for Vegetation Changes in a Mountain District Anders Bryn Geographia … climate scenarios, mountainous areas, land-use changes, summer dairy farming, Norway, forest-limit … Mapping in Norway and a Scenario for Vegetation Changes in a Mountain District, Anders Bryn, Geographia … 1, pp. 41-64 | vegetation mapping, regrowth and climate scenarios, mountainous areas, land-use changes,
article/item/7705.html - 13.77 kB
Geomorphological evidence of Holocene climatic changes in Northern Mongolia [41.67% relevance]
Geomorphological evidence of Holocene climatic changes in Northern Mongolia Changes of climate which … Geomorphological evidence of Holocene climatic changes in Northern Mongolia Kazimierz Klimek Geographia … Geomorphological evidence of Holocene climatic changes in Northern Mongolia, Kazimierz Klimek, … climatic changes in Northern Mongolia Changes of climate which occurred in Central Asia during the Upper
article/item/8304.html - 12.78 kB
Changes in UV radiation intensity and their possible impact on skin cancer in Poland [41.67% relevance]
is a high-energy part of sunlight. Simultaneous changes in global radiation have been observed … UV … Geographia Polonica (2012) vol. 85, iss. 2 Changes in UV radiation intensity and their possible … , UVI, skin cancer, Poland, climate change Changes in UV radiation intensity and their possible … 57-64 | UV radiation, UVI, skin cancer, Poland, climate change Changes in UV radiation intensity and
article/item/7601.html - 14.14 kB
The diagnosis of climate change in Cracow against a background of circulation and local conditions [41.67% relevance]
-62 | climate, monitoring, research of climatic changes, global warming The diagnosis of climate change … The diagnosis of climate change in Cracow against a background of … Polonica (1994) vol. 63 The diagnosis of climate change in Cracow against a background of … Geographia Polonica (1994) vol. 63, pp. 51-62 | climate, monitoring, research of climatic changes, … global warming The diagnosis of climate change in Cracow against a background of
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Lighting characteristics during the polar day and their impact on changes in melatonin secretion [33.33% relevance]
during the polar day and their impact on changes in melatonin secretion People traveling between … during the polar day and their impact on changes in melatonin secretion Joanna Wieczorek, … during the polar day and their impact on changes in melatonin secretion, Joanna Wieczorek, … in melatonin secretion People traveling between climate zones can be exposed to extreme environmental
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Analysis of land use changes of urban ventilation corridors in Warsaw in 1992-2015 [33.33% relevance]
Analysis of land use changes of urban ventilation corridors in Warsaw in 1992 … (2016) vol. 89, iss. 3 Analysis of land use changes of urban ventilation corridors in Warsaw in 1992 … use change, LANDSAT, SPOT Analysis of land use changes of urban ventilation corridors in Warsaw in 1992 … the most important factors influencing a city’s climate is the ventilation of a given urban unit. The
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Contemporary changes of Baltic Sea ice [33.33% relevance]
Contemporary changes of Baltic Sea ice The paper presents results of … Geographia Polonica (1995) vol. 65 Contemporary changes of Baltic Sea ice Józef P. Girjatowicz, … , climatic trend, climate cyclicity Contemporary changes of Baltic Sea ice, Józef P. Girjatowicz, … , ice cover, climatic variation, climatic trend, climate cyclicity Contemporary changes of Baltic Sea ice
article/item/7898.html - 13.75 kB
Effects of regional and local climatic controls on multiannual air temperature series [25.00% relevance]
air temperature series Contemporary climatic changes occur on global, regional and local scales. On … each of these, changes are shaped by a set of various climatic controls … change, data homogeneity, human impact on climate Effects of regional and local climatic controls
article/item/7866.html - 13.38 kB
Assessment of the importance of forests in reducing global climatic change (counteracting and mitigating the impacts of greenhouse gases) [25.00% relevance]
(deforestation, bad harvest), are affected by changes in climate (change of natural range of forest … … , bad harvest), are affected by changes in climate (change of natural range of forest … Geographia … , wood utilization, forest management, climate change Assessment of the importance of forests
article/item/7802.html - 14.79 kB
Sedimentation gaps documented in the Eemian (MIS 5e) record in four profiles from the Żabieniec palaeolake (Central Poland) [25.00% relevance]
(MIS 5e), sedimentation gaps, climate changes, palaeobotanical analysis, Central Poland … of the Eemian Interglacial vegetation and climate, revealed differences resulting from panregional … Interglacial (MIS 5e), sedimentation gaps, climate changes, palaeobotanical analysis, Central
article/item/13953.html - 15.45 kB
Recent trends on human thermal bioclimate conditions in Kyiv, Ukraine [16.67% relevance]
conditions in Kyiv (Ukraine) and changes in the frequency of heat stress during the … stress during the summer period due to recent climate trends were analyzed. The … Geographia Polonica
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The Problem of Firn-ice Patches in the Polish Tatras as an Indicator of Climatic Fluctuations [16.67% relevance]
, precipitation and wind velocity, and changes in the front limits of the … Geographia Polonica … . 41-52 | glacierets, cryospheric indicators of climate change, Tatra Mts. The Problem of Firn-ice
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Temperature and nutrient dynamics in eutrophic freshwater ecosystems [16.67% relevance]
pp. 79-92 | eutrophic ecosystem, global climate changes impact, nutrient dynamics Temperature and … vol. 71, pp. 79-92 | eutrophic ecosystem, global climate changes impact, nutrient dynamics Temperature
article/item/7833.html - 14.91 kB