Results 1 - 7 of 7 for climatic variability (0.0092 seconds)
The dynamics to selected extreme climatic events in Poland [100.00% relevance]
The dynamics to selected extreme climatic events in Poland The article presents the … variability to selected extreme climatic phenomena in Poland in the second half of the … vol. 73, iss. 2 The dynamics to selected extreme climatic events in Poland Tadeusz Niedźwiedź Geographia … Polonica (2000) vol. 73, iss. 2, pp. 25-40 | climatic change, extreme climatic events, Poland The … dynamics to selected extreme climatic events in Poland, Tadeusz Niedźwiedź, Geographia … events in Poland The article presents the variability to selected extreme climatic phenomena in Poland
article/item/7783.html - 13.75 kB
Generation of time series of the meteorological values in changing climatic conditions [57.14% relevance]
amounts in long-term and short — time variability. This research may be a starting point for … series of the meteorological values in changing climatic conditions The authors discuss the average air … series of the meteorological values in changing climatic conditions Małgorzata Gutry-Korycka, Piotr … series of the meteorological values in changing climatic conditions, Małgorzata Gutry-Korycka, Piotr
article/item/7938.html - 13.79 kB
The Problem of Firn-ice Patches in the Polish Tatras as an Indicator of Climatic Fluctuations [57.14% relevance]
determine the relationship between multi-annual variability of airtemperature, precipitation and wind … Patches in the Polish Tatras as an Indicator of Climatic Fluctuations This paper attempts to determine … Patches in the Polish Tatras as an Indicator of Climatic Fluctuations Bogdan Gądek Geographia Polonica ( … Patches in the Polish Tatras as an Indicator of Climatic Fluctuations, Bogdan Gądek, Geographia Polonica
article/item/7679.html - 13.46 kB
Extreme precipitation events on the northern side of the Tatra Mountains [28.57% relevance]
This article reviews the occurrence and variability of extreme precipitation on the northern slope … Polonica (2006) vol. 76, iss. 2, pp. 15-24 | climatic change, extreme precipitation events, Tatra
article/item/7737.html - 13.92 kB
A stochastic weather generator as a tool for the construction of climate change scenarios [28.57% relevance]
modifications in farm production in changed climatic conditions. Presented here is a stochastic … … model (GCM), climate change scenarios, climate variability A stochastic weather generator as a tool for the
article/item/7864.html - 13.13 kB
Variablity of Selected Thermal Characteristics of the Air in the Carpathian Foothills in the Years 1951-1995 [28.57% relevance]
| atmospheric circulation, circulation indices, climatic variability, mean maximum, mean minimum … circulation, circulation indices, climatic variability, mean maximum, mean minimum Variablity of
article/item/7845.html - 13.45 kB
The diagnosis of climate change in Cracow against a background of circulation and local conditions [28.57% relevance]
63, pp. 51-62 | climate, monitoring, research of climatic changes, global warming The diagnosis of climate … and local conditions The multi-annual variability of thermal, solar and cloudiness conditions in
article/item/7931.html - 13.44 kB