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The role of creative economy in the realization of a creative city: A case study of the city of Meybod in Yazd Province, Iran [100.00% relevance]
economy in the realization of a creative city: A case study of the city of Meybod in Yazd … economy in the realization of a creative city: A case study of the city of Meybod in Yazd … components, creative industries, creative city, small cities, Meybod, Yazd Province, Iran The … economy in the realization of a creative city: A case study of the city of Meybod in Yazd … The role of creative economy in the realization of a creative city: A … Polonica (2018) vol. 91, iss. 3 The role of creative economy in the realization of a creative city: A … . 91, iss. 3, pp. 335-351 | economic components, creative industries, creative city, small cities, Meybod … , Yazd Province, Iran The role of creative economy in the realization of a creative city: A
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