Results 1 - 9 of 9 for demographic changes (0.0163 seconds)
Some effects of demographic and socio-economic changes on the internal population structure of the city. The example of Bonn (FRG) [100.00% relevance]
Some effects of demographic and socio-economic changes on the internal population structure of the city … Some effects of demographic and socio-economic changes on the internal population structure of the city … Some effects of demographic and socio-economic changes on the internal population structure of the city … Some effects of demographic and socio-economic changes on the internal … urban spatial structures. On the one hand, the demographic processes ofageing and changing … Geographia … Polonica (1993) vol. 61 Some effects of demographic and socio-economic changes on the internal … and social welfare benefits Some effects of demographic and socio-economic changes on the internal
article/item/7959.html - 13.37 kB
Sudden changes in demographic processes: Two applications of catastrophe theory [85.71% relevance]
Sudden changes in demographic processes: Two applications of … theory Geographia Polonica (1992) vol. 59 Sudden changes in demographic processes: Two applications of … Polonica (1992) vol. 59, pp. 55-68 | Sudden changes in demographic processes: Two applications of … Sudden changes in demographic processes: Two applications of catastrophe … Polonica (1992) vol. 59 Sudden changes in demographic processes: Two applications of catastrophe … (1992) vol. 59, pp. 55-68 | Sudden changes in demographic processes: Two applications of catastrophe
article/item/8018.html - 11.92 kB
Urbanization processes and changes in the demographic region alization of Poland [85.71% relevance]
Urbanization processes and changes in the demographic region alization of Poland … (1977) vol. 37 Urbanization processes and changes in the demographic region alization of Poland … vol. 37, pp. 39-46 | Urbanization processes and changes in the demographic region alization of Poland, … Urbanization processes and changes in the demographic region alization of Poland Geographia Polonica ( … . 37 Urbanization processes and changes in the demographic region alization of Poland Adam Jelonek … -46 | Urbanization processes and changes in the demographic region alization of Poland, Adam Jelonek,
article/item/8423.html - 11.88 kB
Demographic changes in the functional urban areas in Poland, 2000-2010 [85.71% relevance]
Demographic changes in the functional urban areas in Poland, 2000- … Polonica (2013) vol. 86, iss. 2 Demographic changes in the functional urban areas in Poland, 2000- … 2013) vol. 86, iss. 2, pp. 169-170 | Demographic changes in the functional urban areas in Poland, 2000- … -2010 Geographia Polonica (2013) vol. 86, iss. 2 Demographic changes in the functional urban areas in Poland … Polonica (2013) vol. 86, iss. 2, pp. 169-170 | Demographic changes in the functional urban areas in Poland
article/item/8121.html - 12.15 kB
Selected aspects of present-day changes in Polish rural space [71.43% relevance]
Selected aspects of present-day changes in Polish rural space The article discusses the … vol. 76, iss. 1 Selected aspects of present-day changes in Polish rural space Jerzy Bański Geographia … , Poland Selected aspects of present-day changes in Polish rural space, Jerzy Bański, Geographia … article discusses the concept of the rural area, demographic change therein, the development of non- … areas, agriculture, economic transformation, demographic processes, Poland Selected aspects of present-
article/item/3840.html - 13.18 kB
Population changes and population ageing in Poland between 1960 and 2011 [71.43% relevance]
Population changes and population ageing in Poland between 1960 and … 2011 The paper presents a study of changes in the overall population of Poland and in the … Polonica (2016) vol. 89, iss. 2 Population changes and population ageing in Poland between 1960 and … , concentration, demographic typology Population changes and population ageing in Poland between 1960 and … population ageing, depopulation, concentration, demographic typology Population changes and population
article/item/10514.html - 14.46 kB
Urban dynamics and life cycle of Madrid's population [42.86% relevance]
between Madrid's urban space expansionand the changes that appear in said space due to the population' … s age cycle, as wellas the changes that recent … Geographia Polonica (1993) vol. 61 … , pp. 121-132 | geo-demography, urban dynamics, demographic dynamics, Madrid Urban dynamics and life cycle
article/item/7957.html - 12.74 kB
Economic Transformation of Small Silesian Towns in the Years 1990-1999 [28.57% relevance]
small town, economic transformation, demographic changes, Upper Silesia Economic Transformation of Small … . 137-150 | small town, economic transformation, demographic changes, Upper Silesia Economic Transformation
article/item/7721.html - 13.25 kB
Territorial disparities between mountains and lowlands in Greece in the context of post-2020 Cohesion Policy [28.57% relevance]
, Cohesion Policy, mountain regions, demographic changes, education, employment, Greece Territorial … inequalities, Cohesion Policy, mountain regions, demographic changes, education, employment, Greece
article/item/12575.html - 15.43 kB