Results 1 - 2 of 2 for demographic development level (0.0466 seconds)
Territorial differentiation of demographic development level of the city. The case of Cracow [100.00% relevance]
Territorial differentiation of demographic development level of the city. The case of … (1993) vol. 61 Territorial differentiation of demographic development level of the city. The case of … Polonica (1993) vol. 61, pp. 179-188 | demographic development level, multidimensional comparative … analysis Territorial differentiation of demographic development level of the city. The case of … Territorial differentiation of demographic development level of the city. The case of Cracow In his … the concept of the valuation ofdemographic development and its measures, which can be useful in … . 61 Territorial differentiation of demographic development level of the city. The case of Cracow Andrzej … (1993) vol. 61, pp. 179-188 | demographic development level, multidimensional comparative analysis … Territorial differentiation of demographic development level of the city. The case of Cracow, Andrzej … differentiation of demographic development level of the city. The case of Cracow In his paper the
article/item/7962.html - 16.12 kB
Rural depopulation areas in Poland [23.08% relevance]
of rural areas, its speed and scale as a demographic process depends on the level of the economic … process depends on the level of the economic development of the country and on the current economic … scale as a demographic process depends on the level of the economic development of the country and
article/item/8095.html - 18.4 kB