Results 1 - 37 of 37 for distribution (0.0095 seconds)
Pine forests in Poland. Their productivity, distribution and degradation [100.00% relevance]
Pine forests in Poland. Their productivity, distribution and degradation The present paper considers the … we have on the biomass,productivity and distribution of pine forests in Poland and the distribution … . 52 Pine forests in Poland. Their productivity, distribution and degradation Alicja I. Breymeyer Geographia … | Pine forests in Poland. Their productivity, distribution and degradation, Alicja I. Breymeyer, Geographia
article/item/8136.html - 13.23 kB
Distribution of foreign direct investment across the national urban system in countries of Central and Eastern Europe in 2013 [100.00% relevance]
Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and its spatial distribution among CEE headquarters in national … Geographia … Polonica (2017) vol. 90, iss. 2 Distribution of foreign direct investment across the national … foreign direct investment, headquarters, spatial distribution Distribution of foreign direct investment across
article/item/10920.html - 13.54 kB
An attempt at the zoogeographical regionalization of Europe on the basis of the distribution of vertebrates [100.00% relevance]
regionalization of Europe on the basis of the distribution of vertebrates Presented is a zoogeographical … of Europe on the basis of the contemporary distribution of mammal faunas. The richness of families, … regionalization of Europe on the basis of the distribution of vertebrates Bożenna Grabińska Geographia … -118 | zoogeographical regionalization, mammal distribution, administrative units, biogeographical units, … regionalization of Europe on the basis of the distribution of vertebrates, Bożenna Grabińska, Geographia
article/item/7935.html - 13.38 kB
Distribution of population density in Polish towns and cities [80.00% relevance]
of … Geographia Polonica (2014) vol. 87, iss. 1 Distribution of population density in Polish towns and cities … vol. 87, iss. 1, pp. 61-75 | population density distribution, population density profile, population density … model, urban population, Poland’s cities Distribution of population density in Polish towns and cities
article/item/9410.html - 14.2 kB
The distribution and annual course of the albedo in Poland [80.00% relevance]
The distribution and annual course of the albedo in Poland The … purpose of this work is to describe the areal distribution and the changes over time of the albedo in … defined … Geographia Polonica (1974) vol. 28 The distribution and annual course of the albedo in Poland Teresa … Polonica (1974) vol. 28, pp. 5-18 | The distribution and annual course of the albedo in Poland,
article/item/8603.html - 13.24 kB
The distribution of fog frequency in the carpathians [80.00% relevance]
The distribution of fog frequency in the carpathians Altitude is … Geographia Polonica (2004) vol. 77, iss. 1 The distribution of fog frequency in the carpathians Marek Błaś, … , pp. 19-34 | fog frequency, fog deposition, fog distribution, fog-annual variations, Carpathians, mountain … climatology The distribution of fog frequency in the carpathians, Marek Błaś
article/item/7615.html - 14.3 kB
The role of topography, canopy gaps, and forest edges in the distribution of windthrow damage in the Western Tatra Mountains, Poland [80.00% relevance]
topography, canopy gaps, and forest edges in the distribution of windthrow damage in the Western Tatra … , pedologic, and geomorphic consequences. The distribution of wind damage is not uniform, and may be … … topography, canopy gaps, and forest edges in the distribution of windthrow damage in the Western Tatra … topography, canopy gaps, and forest edges in the distribution of windthrow damage in the Western Tatra
article/item/11743.html - 14.75 kB
A Probability Distribution for Crop Yields in Poland [80.00% relevance]
A Probability Distribution for Crop Yields in Poland An important source of … Polonica (2009) vol. 82, iss. 1 A Probability Distribution for Crop Yields in Poland Tadeusz Gorski … -68 | crop yields, density function, log-normal distribution, area aggregation, scaling of variance A … Probability Distribution for Crop Yields in Poland, Tadeusz Gorski,
article/item/7669.html - 13.2 kB
Geographical study on changes in the spatial structure of the distribution system by informatization [80.00% relevance]
study on changes in the spatial structure of the distribution system by informatization The purpose of this … study on changes in the spatial structure of the distribution system by informatization Kenji Hashimoto … iss. 1, pp. 47-62 | information technology (IT), distribution system, sales system, information network, Japan … study on changes in the spatial structure of the distribution system by informatization, Kenji Hashimoto,
article/item/7794.html - 13.16 kB
Distribution of Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI) in Warsaw [60.00% relevance]
Geographia Polonica (2013) vol. 86, iss. 1 Distribution of Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI) in … Polonica (2013) vol. 86, iss. 1, pp. 79-80 | Distribution of Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI) in
article/item/7874.html - 12.1 kB
Map of the population distribution in Poland in 1960 [60.00% relevance]
Map of the population distribution in Poland in 1960 Geographia Polonica (1968) vol … . 13 Map of the population distribution in Poland in 1960 Leszek Kosiński, Andrzej … ) vol. 13, pp. 91-100 | Map of the population distribution in Poland in 1960, Leszek Kosiński, Andrzej
article/item/8850.html - 11.95 kB
Distribution and dynamics of rural population in Central E astern Europe in the 20th century [60.00% relevance]
, Rumania, … Geographia Polonica (1994) vol. 63 Distribution and dynamics of rural population in Central E … areas, dynamics, depopulation of rural areas Distribution and dynamics of rural population in Central E
article/item/7933.html - 13.78 kB
The spatial distribution of low flows in Poland not exceeded at an assumed probability [60.00% relevance]
The spatial distribution of low flows in Poland not exceeded at an … Polonica (2010) vol. 83, iss. 1 The spatial distribution of low flows in Poland not exceeded at an … , frequency distributions, low-fl ow The spatial distribution of low flows in Poland not exceeded at an
article/item/7658.html - 13.28 kB
Conditions of occurrence and distribution of kame landscapes in the Peribalticum within the area of the last glaciation [60.00% relevance]
Conditions of occurrence and distribution of kame landscapes in the Peribalticum within … (1965) vol. 6 Conditions of occurrence and distribution of kame landscapes in the Peribalticum within … vol. 6, pp. 7-18 | Conditions of occurrence and distribution of kame landscapes in the Peribalticum within
article/item/8979.html - 12.09 kB
Spatial distribution of industrial employment in Spain [60.00% relevance]
Spatial distribution of industrial employment in Spain Geographia … Polonica (1977) vol. 36 Spatial distribution of industrial employment in Spain Manuel Ferrer … Polonica (1977) vol. 36, pp. 57-72 | Spatial distribution of industrial employment in Spain, Manuel Ferrer
article/item/8449.html - 11.7 kB
An analysis of the types of spatial distribution of towns [60.00% relevance]
An analysis of the types of spatial distribution of towns Geographia Polonica (1973) vol. 27 An … analysis of the types of spatial distribution of towns Zbyszko Chojnicki, Teresa Czyż … . 111-118 | An analysis of the types of spatial distribution of towns, Zbyszko Chojnicki, Teresa Czyż,
article/item/8623.html - 12.26 kB
Changes in the distribution of population in Poland in 1950-1960 [60.00% relevance]
Changes in the distribution of population in Poland in 1950-1960 Geographia … Polonica (1965) vol. 7 Changes in the distribution of population in Poland in 1950-1960 Kazimierz … (1965) vol. 7, pp. 69-81 | Changes in the distribution of population in Poland in 1950-1960, Kazimierz
article/item/8974.html - 12.08 kB
The distribution of service centres within large urban areas. A market accessibility model [60.00% relevance]
The distribution of service centres within large urban areas. A … model Geographia Polonica (1976) vol. 33 2 The distribution of service centres within large urban areas. A … Polonica (1976) vol. 33 2, pp. 143-156 | The distribution of service centres within large urban areas. A
article/item/8512.html - 11.92 kB
Spatial distribution of intra-urban commuting to work: A case study of the city of Łódź [60.00% relevance]
Spatial distribution of intra-urban commuting to work: A case study … Łódź Geographia Polonica (1981) vol. 44 Spatial distribution of intra-urban commuting to work: A case study … Polonica (1981) vol. 44, pp. 211-224 | Spatial distribution of intra-urban commuting to work: A case study
article/item/8292.html - 11.92 kB
A preliminary concept of the distribution of social infrastructure in Poland [60.00% relevance]
A preliminary concept of the distribution of social infrastructure in Poland Geographia … (1975) vol. 32 A preliminary concept of the distribution of social infrastructure in Poland Kazimierz … . 32, pp. 75-84 | A preliminary concept of the distribution of social infrastructure in Poland, Kazimierz
article/item/8535.html - 11.71 kB
Biogeography in the early twenty-first century: A science with increasing significance to Earth’s changes and challenges [40.00% relevance]
of nature or more specifically, the study of the distribution of Earth’s life forms at all spatial and … , biogeographic patterns, conservation, distribution, ecology, history, interdisciplinarity,
article/item/9461.html - 15.25 kB
Soil structure and aggregate stability of A-horizons in different soil types across the Nitra Valley slope, western Slovakia [40.00% relevance]
soil properties and slope inclination on the distribution and stability of water-stable aggregates in … soil properties and slope inclination on the distribution and stability of water-stable aggregates in
article/item/14205.html - 16.36 kB
Stages of spatial dispersion of the COVID-19 epidemic in Poland in the first six months (4 March-20 September, 2020) [20.00% relevance]
elaboration presents the regularity of spatial distribution of infections during … Geographia Polonica (2021
article/item/12988.html - 14.97 kB
Regional divergence dynamics in the Baltic region: Towards polarisation or equalization? [20.00% relevance]
dynamics has a direct influence over the distribution of … Geographia Polonica (2018) vol. 91, iss. 4
article/item/11577.html - 15.13 kB
Topographical factors, meteorological variables and human factors in the control of the main snow avalanche events in the Făgăraş Massif (Southern Carpathians - Romanian Carpathians): Case studies [20.00% relevance]
Carpathians (Romanian Carpathians). The spatial distribution of avalanches is controlled by … Geographia
article/item/10463.html - 15.19 kB
Role of new towns in the development of settlement System in the USSR [20.00% relevance]
alterations in the structure and territorial distribution of social production. These, in turn, bring
article/item/8441.html - 12.69 kB
Geographical characteristics of the timberline in the Carpathians [20.00% relevance]
in the Carpathians The pattern of timberline distribution on mountain ranges world-wide is related to
article/item/9973.html - 14.44 kB
Higher education and urban system. The case of Poland in the 1990s [20.00% relevance]
higher education in Poland in the 1990s and the distribution of higher educational institutions by urban size
article/item/3412.html - 13.47 kB
Economic control functions in Poland in 2013 [20.00% relevance]
the variability of revenues and the spatial distribution of the corporate headquarters of the 2000
article/item/10329.html - 13.55 kB
Some problems of the demographic structure of Polish cities [20.00% relevance]
of the demographic structure of Polish cities Distribution and density of the population in a geographical
article/item/7961.html - 14 kB
The occurrence of atmospheric thaw in Poland over the last 50 years [20.00% relevance]
and thaw-end date, temporal variability, spatial distribution, NAO index The occurrence of atmospheric thaw in
article/item/9349.html - 15.06 kB
Exploring the Role of Sticky Places in Attracting the Software Industry to Poland [20.00% relevance]
industry in Polandand its uneven spatial distribution. The emergence of foreign software companies in
article/item/7674.html - 13.35 kB
The band-node model of the settlement network in Poland [20.00% relevance]
structure of a country. It represents the distribution of the population and thereby determines the
article/item/8540.html - 14.12 kB
Variablity of Selected Thermal Characteristics of the Air in the Carpathian Foothills in the Years 1951-1995 [20.00% relevance]
the influence of atmospheric circulation on the distribution and multi-year … Geographia Polonica (1997) vol
article/item/7845.html - 13.45 kB
Flood frequency analysis under non-stationarity [20.00% relevance]
series, trends, annual flood peaks, probability distribution, time variable parameters, time-dependent
article/item/7827.html - 13.63 kB
Spatial diversity of tourist facilities in the Silesian Beskid mountains in Poland [20.00% relevance]
article proposes a method of the assessment of distribution of tourist facilities. The main aim of presented
article/item/12573.html - 15.44 kB
Settlement concentration of economic potential represented by IT corporations [20.00% relevance]
to discuss research on spatial variation in the distribution of the headquarters of 100 leading IT
article/item/9929.html - 13.16 kB