Results 1 - 4 of 4 for economic restructuring (0.0196 seconds)
Restructuring of the Metropolitan Region of Berlin-Brandenburg: Economic Trends and Political Answers [100.00% relevance]
the Metropolitan Region of Berlin-Brandenburg: Economic Trends and Political Answers The article … the Metropolitan Region of Berlin-Brandenburg: Economic Trends and Political Answers Hans Joachim Kujath … , demography, knowledge economies, transnational economic linkages, regional institutions, governance, … the Metropolitan Region of Berlin-Brandenburg: Economic Trends and Political Answers, Hans Joachim … … Geographia Polonica (2005) vol. 78, iss. 1 Restructuring of the Metropolitan Region of Berlin-Brandenburg … , governance, system, and Berlin-Branden-burg. Restructuring of the Metropolitan Region of Berlin-Brandenburg
article/item/7720.html - 14.46 kB
Regional cities in Australia's changing urban system [28.57% relevance]
nineteenth century as six separate colonies with economic activity … Geographia Polonica (1995) vol. 66 … Urban system, Australia, Regional cities growth, restructuring, national urban system Regional cities in
article/item/7887.html - 13.58 kB
The urban system of Poland in an era of increasing inter urban competition [28.57% relevance]
inter-urban competition, metropolitan functions, economic restructuring The urban system of Poland in an … competition, metropolitan functions, economic restructuring The urban system of Poland in an era of
article/item/7854.html - 13.82 kB
Shrinking East German Cities? [28.57% relevance]
with a not entirely new phenomenon: the economic and demographic decline of cities. This process … . 79-98 | shrinking cities, urban decline, urban restructuring Shrinking East German Cities?, Lienhard Lotscher
article/item/7718.html - 12.8 kB