Results 1 - 4 of 4 for fl oods (0.0014 seconds)
Hydrotechnic structures on the Pomeranian rivers - a reaction to extreme hydrologic phenomena in the 19 century (in the example of the upper Wieprza) [100.00% relevance]
) In the 19th century throughout Central Europe fl oods became increasingly intense; a … 25-37 | hydrotechnic structures, Wieprza river, fl ood, river bed response, reservoir, fl oodplain … In the 19th century throughout Central Europe fl oods became increasingly intense; a similarsituation
article/item/7657.html - 15.14 kB
The Influence of an Urbanized Area on the Regime of River Discharges in the Lublin Agglomeration [50.00% relevance]
pp. 89-98 | anthropopressure, river discharges, fl oods The Influence of an Urbanized Area on the … . 89-98 | anthropopressure, river discharges, fl oods The Influence of an Urbanized Area on the Regime
article/item/7671.html - 13.32 kB
Sea level variability in the eastern part of the Polish Baltic Sea cosast 1975-2004 [50.00% relevance]
a higher reference level forstorm surges and fl oods. According to the IPCC, extreme phenomena … a higher reference level forstorm surges and fl oods. According to the IPCC, extreme phenomena
article/item/7660.html - 13.43 kB
Heat- and cold-related mortality in the north-east of Poland as an example of the socio-economic effects of extreme hydrometeorological events in the Polish Lowland [50.00% relevance]
in the Polish Lowland, e.g. fl oods, droughts, hurricanes, heat and cold waves … in the Polish Lowland, e.g. fl oods, droughts, hurricanes, heat and cold waves that
article/item/6173.html - 14.4 kB