Results 1 - 4 of 4 for geographical location (0.0547 seconds)
Geographical pattern of chosen soil and herb layer features of central- and north European Scots pine forests [100.00% relevance]
This paper defines the relationships between geographical location (which determines macroclimatic … … Geographia Polonica (2012) vol. 85, iss. 2 Geographical pattern of chosen soil and herb layer features … -Piceetea, species richness, species biomass, geographical pattern, European pine forests, gradients … defines the relationships between geographical location (which determines macroclimatic differentiation
article/item/7572.html - 15.38 kB
Developments in location/allocation modelling [66.67% relevance]
is concerned with a common and apparently simple geographical question namely: 'how can we choose locations … Developments in location/allocation modelling This paper is concerned … Polonica (1985) vol. 51 Developments in location/allocation modelling Robert L. Hodgart … (1985) vol. 51, pp. 265-274 | Developments in location/allocation modelling, Robert L. Hodgart,
article/item/8173.html - 12.69 kB
Key factors affecting Industry 4.0 adoption: An empirical study in Hungarian manufacturing companies [33.33% relevance]
affiliation, headquarters-plant, relationship, geographical location, social and economic environment, BAZ … , headquarters-plant, relationship, geographical location, social and economic environment, BAZ County,
article/item/13588.html - 15.93 kB
Differentiation of Europe's mammal fauna against a background of biogeographical units, the area of units and mammalian taxonomic richness [33.33% relevance]
between the occurrence of mammals and geographical location in Europe, as well as the size of … the occurrence of mammals and geographical location in Europe, as well as the size of
article/item/2598.html - 14.43 kB