Results 1 - 5 of 5 for influencing factors (0.0088 seconds)
Key factors affecting Industry 4.0 adoption: An empirical study in Hungarian manufacturing companies [100.00% relevance]
. 2, pp. 239-257 | Industry 4.0, manufacturing, influencing factors, sectoral affiliation, headquarters- … Key factors affecting Industry 4.0 adoption: An empirical … to varying extents, this beinginfluenced by many factors. Evaluating some of these is the main aim of … … Geographia Polonica (2023) vol. 96, iss. 2 Key factors affecting Industry 4.0 adoption: An empirical … -257 | Industry 4.0, manufacturing, influencing factors, sectoral affiliation, headquarters-plant, … economic environment, BAZ County, Hungary Key factors affecting Industry 4.0 adoption: An empirical
article/item/13588.html - 15.93 kB
Analysis of land use changes of urban ventilation corridors in Warsaw in 1992-2015 [33.33% relevance]
in Warsaw in 1992-2015 One of the most important factors influencing a city’s climate is the ventilation … in 1992-2015 One of the most important factors influencing a city’s climate is the ventilation of a given
article/item/10540.html - 14.31 kB
The distribution of fog frequency in the carpathians [33.33% relevance]
carpathians Altitude is one of the predominant factors which controls the annual number of days with … days with fog (NDF). The second important factor influencing NDF is station location in regard to …
article/item/7615.html - 14.3 kB
The influence of snow avalanches on the timberline in the Babia Góra Massif, Western Carpathians [33.33% relevance]
are one of the most important abiotic factors influencing the timberline on a worldwide scale. In the case … Avalanches are one of the most important abiotic factors influencing the timberline on a worldwide scale
article/item/9980.html - 14.9 kB
Long-term changes in water level of the northwestern part of the Black Sea [33.33% relevance]
northwestern part of the Black Sea and the main influencing factors were studied. Based on observation data … part of the Black Sea and the main influencing factors were studied. Based on observation data, it was
article/item/14121.html - 15.23 kB