Results 1 - 2 of 2 for information society (0.0167 seconds)
Access to and Re-use of Public-sector Environmental Data and Information. Policy Developments with a Focus on the European Hydro-meteorological Scene [100.00% relevance]
Re-use of Public-sector Environmental Data and Information. Policy Developments with a Focus on the … far, the process of obtaining basic data and information from governmental agencieswith a view to its … being used in the information industry has seemingly been a … Geographia … Re-use of Public-sector Environmental Data and Information. Policy Developments with a Focus on the … , data protection, government commercialization, information society, digital era, creation of derived and … -based economies, socio- economic benefits, information industries, value-added information servic … Re-use of Public-sector Environmental Data and Information. Policy Developments with a Focus on the … , government commercialization, information society, digital era, creation of derived and new data
article/item/7687.html - 16.43 kB
A world without GIS? Post-GIS futures for the New Millennium [22.22% relevance]
(2014) vol. 87, iss. 2, pp. 241-250 | GIS, information society, internet, data-driven science, … vol. 87, iss. 2, pp. 241-250 | GIS, information society, internet, data-driven science, ubiquitous
article/item/9443.html - 13.16 kB