Results 1 - 2 of 2 for mean annual air temperature (0.0055 seconds)
Impact of climate change on water resources in lowland Poland [100.00% relevance]
in annual precipitation totals and mean annual air temperature values with changes in annual mean … . The effect of precipitation totals and air temperature on specific discharge in individual … significant increase in the value of mean annual air temperature was recorded for all studied … . The correlations between specific discharge, air temperature and precipitation totals are not … totals than on temperature, with the effect of air temperature only being reflected in the volume … . Keywords: Polish lowlands, specific discharge, air temperature, precipitation totals, climate … change Polish lowlands, specific discharge, air temperature, precipitation totals, climate … annual precipitation totals and area-averaged mean annual temperature values in each catchment area … annual precipitation totals and area-averaged mean annual temperature values in each catchment area … , while water resources were described by mean monthly specific discharges in these catchments … changes in annual
article/item/14201.html - 14.87 kB
Variability of the Air Temperature in Central Europe in the Years 1792-1995 [41.18% relevance]
Variability of the Air Temperature in Central Europe in the Years 1792-1995 Use was … made of the longest-existing series of air temperature observations from Central Europe, specifically … Polonica (1997) vol. 70 Variability of the Air Temperature in Central Europe in the Years 1792-1995 Janina … Polonica (1997) vol. 70, pp. 43-52 | long air temperature series, mean annual air temperature, variability … , periodicity Variability of the Air Temperature in Central Europe in the Years 1792-1995, Janina … , pp. 43-52 | long air temperature series, mean annual air temperature, variability, periodicity … Variability of the Air Temperature in Central Europe in the Years 1792- … Use was made of the longest-existing series of air temperature observations from Central Europe, … Polonica (1997) vol. 70 Variability of the Air Temperature in Central Europe in the Years 1792- … Polonica (1997) vol. 70, pp. 43-52 | long air temperature series, mean annual air temperature … , variability,
article/item/7844.html - 13.73 kB