Results 1 - 1 of 1 for metal mobility in sediments (0.0879 seconds)
Possibile secondary mobilization of heavy metals from oottom sediments under conditions of anticipated climate change [100.00% relevance]
change, aquatic sediments, metal mobility in sediments, chemical time bombs Possibile … pp. 103-108 | climate change, aquatic sediments, metal mobility in sediments, chemical time bombs … -108 | climate change, aquatic sediments, metal mobility in sediments, chemical time bombs Possibile … mobilization of heavy metals from oottom sediments under conditions of anticipated climate change … mobilization of heavy metals from oottom sediments under conditions of anticipated climate change … ) vol. 71, pp. 103-108 | climate change, aquatic sediments, metal mobility in sediments, chemical time … mobilization of heavy metals from oottom sediments under conditions of anticipated climate change,
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